Sunday, January 25, 2009

A birthday slathered with awesomesauce...

I woke up early and did some internets chores, and then Shootin' Buddy arrived and we were off!

The first stop was Le Peep, where I ordered Huevos Con Chorizo because not only does it taste good, but it's the most fun thing to say on the whole menu. Suitably fortified with jalapeños, cheese, eggs, and snausage, we continued on to Popguns for some serious blasting.

I ran quick hundred rounds through the Ciener .22 unit on my old Colt which, since it hasn't been cleaned or lubed in probably 600 rounds, gave me a fair amount of time on malf drills. (Unfortunately, that's one thing the .22 is not good for; the differences in lockup and extraction, the different spring/slide weight, and the fact that the slide doesn't lock back on an empty mag kind of limit its utility for some drills...) Fifty rounds of S&B through the Springer Pro, and then it was time for fun: I'd brought my 3" 625 and had some Magtech 250gr LFN that desperately needed shooting... Why do I shoot a three inch DA revolver better cold than a single action auto? (Answer: A LOT more dryfire time with wheelguns...)

Off to Elmore's (which, BTW, has the best selection of bucks-up serious 1911's in showcases I have ever seen. Ed Brown... Nighthawk... Wilson... They had a cherry stainless Delta Elite for less than nine bills, too, if anyone's looking...) I picked up another 50 rounds of anti-bowling pin 147gr 9mm Hydrashoks (thanks, jtc!) for only $20, and I think they had a couple hundred rounds left at that price.

A quick stop at home and then Borders before going to see Defiance (yay for machine guns and dead Nazis! Two thumbs up...) and then the pièce de résistance: Broad Ripple Steak House where I... omigodthesteak. I'm serious... just... day-ummm. The filet was amazing and they knew the secret to making me happy with a steak: Look, when I'm ordering a rare filet, I don't want to taste the special herbs in which you've coated it, I don't want to taste your chef's magic marinade or spices, I don't want to taste that it's been nearly pickled in butter... I want to taste still-twitching dead cow. If it's a good cut of beef, it doesn't need all that nonsense, okay? If I wanted a ton of salt and pepper and butter on my steak, I'd have put it there myself. The seasonings used on good beef should very faintly complement the taste; not drown it out. And this one was about perfect.

Anyhow, dinner was the perfect awesome end to a perfectly awesome day. Think about it: A birthday that involves chorizo, peppers, good friends, 1911's, big-bore S&W revolvers, books, machine guns, dead Nazis, asparagus, seared ahi tuna, and steak. Really, could it get any better? I mean, short of having Charles Schumer picking up my brass and carrying my shopping bag full of ammo while toadying obsequiously? No, I think not.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!


  1. now that sounds the way to celebrate a birthday!!! Glad it was a good one!

  2. A second two thumbs up for Defiance. As I put it "It has Jews shooting Nazis in the face. As long as it is even halfway decent, everything else is gravy."

    Question: was the PPSH-41 historically used with that "grab the drum magazine as a support" technique I saw in the movie? Looked a little odd, really.

    And even though it's silly, Jewish partisans firing MP-40's from the hip (did the ones in the movie even have the extendible stocks) still satisfies the rule of cool.

  3. Glad it was a good one. Houseguests arrived in the wee hours so we missed the shooty fun. Will be there today though. Bearing something home baked.

  4. Regarding the Schumer thing - now at least we know what to get you next year....

  5. glad you had a great day, tam...but, no dancin'? shootin' buddy was all geared up and everything...but thanks to him for turning what you anticipated to be a sucky day into "awsomesauce" and keeping our girl...and more importantly her muse, happy!

    you're welcome for the hydra shoks...them bowling pins thought retirement from the lanes was gonna be cushy...they'd be haulin' ass for canada if they knew what they're in for now.:o)


  6. Much fun was had, we are glad, Happy Day!

  7. So, did you leave any cities burning in your wake?

  8. Hmmmmm.........steak is good! Happy B-Day!

  9. Happy B'Day Tam!

    The Broad Ripple Steakhouse gives new meaning to the phrase "making the Kessler run".

  10. Happy b-day!

    The wife and I both loved Defiance, too. Our three week old baby slept right through it, though, so it was only 4 out of 6 possible thumbs up.

    I'm surprised there hasn't been more hubub about this flick in gun owner circles. Cool milsurps in abundance? Check. Long-odds resistance to not just one, but two oppressive governments? Check, check.

    "Question: was the PPSH-41 historically used with that "grab the drum magazine as a support" technique I saw in the movie? Looked a little odd, really."

    I have seen Soviet soldiers use the gun this way in old propaganda films. Don't know if that makes it more or less credible...

  11. Happy Birthday, Tam!

  12. Happy Happy! Sorry it's belated. Hope you have as many more as you want. And it sounds like you made the Baby Vulcan proud!

  13. Hey Tam, Skeeter Skelton wrote a book like that, "Sixguns & Jalapen`os".

  14. Really, could it get any better? I mean, short of having Charles Schumer picking up my brass and carrying my shopping bag full of ammo while toadying obsequiously?

    You mean he DIDN'T?!?!

    VISA is going to hear about this! I expect a full refund!

    And they say an honest politician is one who stays bought!

    Oh well, happy birthday anyway! It's the thought that counts, right?

    (Verification word "ferlybg". I wonder if that has any significance?)

  15. Tam

    Happy Birthday


  16. Happy Birthday Tam... Looks like you had a real good time.

  17. Load 'em up; shoot 'em out!!

    ...and Yeeee-hhhaaa, serve me more fresh cow, pliz.

    accompanied by the appropriate alcho in 'gude companie'.

    J t R

  18. Happy belated Birthday to you, miss.

  19. Grabbing the drum of a ppsh-41 is bad practice, but when that shroud heats up, you don't have a choice.

    ( Used to own a ppsh-41 ... sold it to settle my creditcard debt )


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