Wednesday, January 07, 2009

'Cause, you know, what we really need...

...are more laws.

I'd like to propose a new law myself:

Every year, via public referendum, the people of this country get to vote for the dumbest bill put forward in each of the two houses of Congress that year. The senator and representative responsible for penning the winners both get unseated from Congress...

...and fed to sharks live on Pay-Per-View, with the proceeds going to widows and orphans or whatever.

(H/T to Insty.)


  1. Seconded.

    But only if I get to chum the waters first...

  2. I'd like to be a co-signer on this legislation...

  3. Watching the congresscritters eaten alive should be quite sufficient compensation for the surviving family.

    Word verification-dredupur

    Are those like Bangladeshi dredlocks?

  4. I didn't think sharks would feed on their brethren as a matter of courtesy.
    They should be dipped in something piranha's find delectable and then tossed into a large school of them.


  5. Well that's change I can believe in! I got one up better for you than that. They have to foot the cost for the bill out of their own pockets! The worst thing you can do to a politician is actually have them pay for something themselves.....

  6. This was just stupidly silly.

    Until you got to the sharks. Can we get some sharks with fricking lasers?

    Tam for President.

  7. I was ambivalent about the whole thing, until I got to the part about the sharks.

  8. Sharks work for me. Faster, please.

  9. Well, as long as you've got a bucket of sh*t to feed the sharks, to get the bad taste out of their mouths...


  10. It's embarrassing to me that folks from TX are on that list. And McCain? Boxing? Seriously? Well, I can now think of at least one reason I'm glad you aren't waving the magic pen come the 20th.

    Is it unusual for a grown man to be afraid?

    (NO LIE. W/V is "boong", as in these morons must be hitting the "boong" when they write these laws...)


  11. Hear, hear !!
    I've always been a big proponent of public hanging on the town square (mostly for violent criminal offenses and thuggery), but I suppose the shark idea is more eco-friendly (doesn't fill the local dump with bloated, stinking carcasses)
    It also lends more drama and action than a hanging, which is better for the TV audience. Plus, I really just wonder how fast some of those fat bastards can swim.

  12. I vote for ants.

    No, not that kind of ants. This kind of ants.

    Oh, and make sure you write the law so that it covers co-authors too.

  13. I read this as I was watching Les Stroud feed sharks in a chainmail suit.


    I think not!!!

  14. Geez, Tam, what'd those poor defenseless sharks ever do to you? You want to poison them with filet o' congresscritter? I say we bring back the days of drawing and quartering.

  15. A pit full of rattlesnakes wold work well too, for starters. Chain them by the ankle and give 'em an old rusty saw too.

  16. I'm going to suggest something I've suggested before. Get them all into a single house in Detroit on October 30th, lock the doors, and let Devil's Night take care of it.

    Say it with arson.

  17. I'd settle for having them horsewhipped through the center of town.

  18. RUNNING MAN! The highest rated reality TV, or ANY other for that matter...and let's make it monthly and the top 5 runners up are instantly repealed.

  19. I've always felt there should be a set number of laws, and any time you want a new one, you have to eliminate one of the older ones. It would make people more critical of nonchalantly passing new laws.

  20. The obvious counter-strategy would be to author so many dumb bills that the vote would be split, and somebody else would get kicked out. No, the only way it will work is if everybody votes on the dumbest congresscritter, and that is so susceptible to plain old partisan politics that I'm afraid that the whole project is doomed to failure - just another in a long line of good sounding, but impractical ideas.

    We're probably going to have to stick with the old-fashioned, tried and true techniques - like Romanian style term limits.

  21. I had an idea for a new law based on an old law. I think the original assault weapon ban got one thing right, the 10-year sunset provision.

    To that end, I propose that every law, federal, state, city, county, locallity, etc, have a 10-year sunset provision unless reviewed, debated, and voted on in order to be re-enacted.

    the beauty is that every minute the lawmakers are reviewing, debating, and voting is one minute they aren't spending our money.



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