Monday, January 05, 2009

Do it again, but harder...

Now that we've completely eradicated coke, heroin, pot, all the designer nightclub hallucinogens, prescription drug abuse, and meth, it's time to turn our sights on... khat?


  1. Wait...I thought salvia was the problem. The local teevee news clearly said salvia, and it wasn't even November anymore so it couldn't have just been hype.

    wv: "myeriess" If they've reached Erie, it's not good news, but I think we can hold them at the Ashtabula River.

  2. If Congress didn't drink coffee, it'd be a controlled substance.

  3. Why am I reminded of Mencken's definition of democracy?

    Something like "that theory that the people know what they want and deserve to get it, good and hard."

    ha ha! Captcha: misrep

    We been misrepresented for YEARS.

  4. Another fine example of someone from a different culture coming here, and insisting that we accommodate them.
    Khat is illegal in the USA? Then don't do it here, please (or at least accept the punishment as you lobby to get the law changed). If you find yourself unable to obey our laws, kindly stay in your own cultural paradise, mkay?

  5. Such certitude must be nice.

    Meanwhile, I have to go out and scrutinize the weeds in the back yard to make sure none were declared illegal yesterday...

  6. I've often thought it would be hoot to air drop marijuana seeds in special airdrop fertilizer packs all over various senatorial estates, suburbs,urban parks...

    Lookee here Mr. Senator...


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