Monday, January 05, 2009

From my very favorite zomgwe'reallgonnadie site...

JW,R has some thoughts and links regarding the trickledown of The Great Bailout to the states.

Also, a supercool house for sale.

Since I can't afford any Krugerrands or totally nifty underground survival retreats at the moment, I'll just keep picking up a few extra bucks worth of canned food on every grocery run. At least it makes me feel like I'm doing something...


  1. In some places, especially where mining is prevalent and ore is more easily accesed, there's a very serious radon danger to underground housing.
    Also don't go and take a Happy-Land chemistry set into a converted missile silo in Kansas like a guy I used to know - now serving 30-years in Victorville...

  2. All the tactical hobbits in the house say "Yay!"

  3. You know, working in the fun industry brings me into contact with some real serious kooks on a regular basis. I know some of the rest of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway, thing is lately I'm not sure how much of their paranoia is only that anymore. Or have I worked in the industry so long that some of them are starting to make sense that wouldn't have in times past? I just don't know anymore, but I'll throw in on a tactical hobbit hole if you will.

  4. If I believed half of the predictions I read ln that site, I'd have killed myself years ago.

  5. "I'll just keep picking up a few extra bucks worth of canned food on every grocery run. At least it makes me feel like I'm doing something..."

    Doesn't matter what you do, Jim will make everyone feel like a piker when it comes to that sort of thing, in one way or another.

  6. Oh ... MY ... GAWD. My jaw was just dropped as I read through that description. Good grief. It's freaking awesome as a house but I certainly don't care about that much safety.

    Doesn't it seem kind of cheap for what it's offering?

  7. Well, if I had to guess, I'd say part of it is the soft market and the other part is that it's hell and gone in the middle of nowhere...

  8. Ammo, Tam, ammo. Those who stock food are just stocking it for those who stock ammo. :)

    CATCHA: comet

    No kidding! when that hits, it won't matter how much food or ammo you've stocked.

  9. Neat house. Besides the radon testing, I would want to know the elevation. Go high enough in the Colorado mountains and you can make our Minnesota winters seem short and mild. I have a picture of my motorcycle and tent covered with snow on June 19th at 9500 feet. Some of the passes were still not open.

    Also for every disaster plan or retreat, you can think up a disaster that would be overwhelming. Many places in Colorado have volcanic ash deposits from the last time Yellowstone went Kaboom.

  10. Hell, Rich, I got turned back from the Pikes Peak road in 77 on 31 July because there was an ice storm at halfway house. This year I jeeped Going-To-The-Sun on the 4th of July, the first day it was open!

    Heinlein famously computed the one spot he could survive an atom-bomb war, and built accordingly. When the Air Force Academy moved in next door, he was put out in more ways than one. Best-laid plans...

  11. I think the line about "rouge" nations was the best.

    Countries where everybody is required to use make-up?

  12. Boy, is their face red!

    Thank you, I'll be here all week.

  13. Something like that is not secure if everyone knows where it is.

    On the other hand, he may not have mentioned the retractable, armoured gun positions, mortar pit (all that propane - think spud gun), mine field and barbed wire.

  14. Cossack and NJT...if I can change the address to Number Three Bagshot Row, I'm in.

  15. Friends of my daughter just bought a house, and two of the things they have to do are replace all the locks and windows.

    'Locks' because the guy had a different lock with a different key on EVERY door in the house.

    'Windows' because, along with the locks, there's not a window in the house that can be opened.

    Guy was just a bit too 'security-conscious' for my comfort.


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