Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I just felt a great disturbance in the Force...

...as though millions of bank accounts cried out in anguish and were suddenly emptied.

I didn't watch.

Did He walk across the Reflecting Pool?

UPDATE: Breda makes a fashion statement.

UPDATE PART DEUX: The headline at CNN reads "Obama raises hand, lifts a nation". It's available on a tee shirt. I'm not sure what it means, as my butt is still rather firmly planted in this chair, and the only part of me that feels at all "lifted" is my blood pressure.

A peek out the window reveals that my front lawn remains devoid of rainbow-farting unicorns with saddlebags full of money. I'm disappointed. Where's my loot?

UPDATE PART TROIS: Well, thank goodness that bumbling, stumbling Chimperor has been replaced with a silver-tongued orator...


  1. Are you kidding me?? The reflecting pool moved under HIS feet, he just stood still.

  2. Well he has been crowned when is he going to walk on water & show the world the Pink Unicorns farting Rainbows?

  3. He freaking BOTCHED repeating words!!!! I just heard it replayed on Limbaugh and it was hilarious. ROFL What a fool.

    I feel ill.

  4. Hey, He is so made of awesome he didn't walk on water, he let *everyone else* walk on water!
    Just saw on the boobtube that everyone leaving was walking right across the reflecting pool.

  5. I turned on Rush during the middle of the speech. He said God A LOT, this makes me happy because it will make the lefties mad.

    The Stumbling during the oath of office made me laugh, they even played it during the commercial news break.

    WTF do they think they are doing with the White does right crap?

  6. I'm not sure what it means, as my butt is still rather firmly planted in this chair, and the only part of me that feels at all "lifted" is my blood pressure.

    I am finding that autogenic breathing is helping with that, at least a little.

    WV "garaft": trading favors to get a Garand from the CMP.

  7. I don't know about any rainbow fartin' unicorns, but I better get my mortgage paid off and a free prius in my driveway in the morning.

    That is what he promised isn't it???

    I predict a lot of unhappy democrat voters in 6 months or less.

  8. It's not BHO's fault he stumbled on the oath. After all, it was that tricky John Roberts guy's fault for not letting him use a teleprompter!

  9. Hey, I can walk on water too if it's frozen solid due to this "global warming" phenomenon. Must be "opposite decade" where everything you say means the opposite.

  10. Eh, I'll give him a break this time: CJ Roberts did fumble it first. I'd have probably been a little disconcerted, too.

    WV: "malisme" Frankly, sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

  11. It's a bad omen of things to come.
    However, those cannons firing were awesome; I want one of those.

  12. Oh God. Away from TV for the last few days, we're home and she's watching the parade here in the shop. I just got a chill up my leg when the musicians played ruffles and flourishes for the new president.

    No, wait: it was the hair on the back of my neck rising.

    What's the expected leathal dose of puking?


  13. I hate to admit it, but the Chief Justice blew it. He got the right words, basically, but in the wrong order, as specified in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

    I'll give BHO a pass on this one. THIS one.

  14. Still cold here.
    No Bailout Check in the mailbox.
    Troops are still in Iraq.
    It has been 6 hours, what is taking His Supreme Worshipfullness, The Dear Leader so long? I had Hope, and this is what I get?
    I had to pay to fill my gas tank on the way home.
    Where is the change I was promised?

    He even let Bush escape to the Republic of Texas...
    I demand a recount!

  15. ...both Byrd and Kennedy siezed up at lunch...did somebody serve meat?

  16. No... he didn't walk across the reflecting pool. But he could have. It was frozen solid from all that global warming. And there were people walking on it.

  17. ugh, I was heating up my lunch in the terminal, when some guy told me to watch the TV, cuz "history was being made" (callous me, I didn't realize he was an idiot liberal) (redundant) and said "Aww, man, I'm tryin' to eat here!" He informed me that this was "history". I said "Yep, the first time this country has elected a Marxist president" He didn't like that very much. I may even have ruined his day...

  18. Did Barry just say that he was going to faithfully execute the President? That's even further than Nancy Pelosi wants to go.

    Did you know that wasn't a bible he was swearing upon? Truth, it was really a collector's-edition copy of Robert E. Howard's Solomon Kane stories. Barry's a big fan, always has been.

  19. Them unicorns were not only farting rainbows in my front yard, they were pooping tootsie rolls all over the place!

  20. "both Byrd and Kennedy siezed up at lunch"

    Unfortunately, not permanently.

  21. Hell I've got unicorns all over my lawn at this very moment. What's it take to get one in the B&C record book?


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