Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well, I'm getting my snow...

...and as an added special bonus, the high temperature tomorrow is supposed to be One Degree Above Zero. Fahrenheit.

The wind smells like hockey fans and french fries with gravy. I blame Canada.


  1. If the wind shifts a bit, we'll be able to smell poutine.

    That said, Indy dropped the ball on this one. The plows had not hit the highways at all this morning.

  2. I was wondering if I'd see a post about this.

    If it weren't for the fact that my mum spent last winter in Minneapolis, I'm sure I'd be able to hear her complaining from here.

    WV: laseepi

    Sleepy Polish royalty? Such strange thoughts at this early hour.

  3. Speaking of Minneapolis, it's currently -8F with a NNW wind at 12 MPH, for a windchill of -27F. The temperature at my friend's place up in Bemidji was -27F all on it's own, without any wind.

    The forecast for tomorrow morning is a brisk -20F (actual temperature, not the windchill).

    Bask in that above-zero warmth while you can, ma'am.

  4. I'm jealous. Our snowfall has come and gone. We got a foot but it was pretty much gone in less than a week. Fun while it lasted though. :)

  5. It's in the mid 70's and higher here and I'm going to practive my 200-yard offhand. There's a swell coming across the Pacific from a big storm off Japan that's going to give us giant waves and the surf contest at Maverick's is set for Friday and Saturday.

  6. Dirtcrashr,

    I'm wrapping myself in 30-round mags to stay warm. ;P

  7. Only Canadians would pour a perfectly good beverage on french fries.

    In other news, I have a call in to AlGore to come shovel this global warming off my driveway.

  8. It is warmer here in Indy than it was yesterday morning when I left Minneapolis. I'm waiting for dispatch to find me something to haul out of here. The roads were snarled this morning as I made my way to a delivery, with a dusting of snow and ice on the pavement and a few cars scattered in the ditches.

  9. The Canadians eat their fries with gray? Suddenly I have an urge to visit Canada.

    I mentioned the other week that we Southerners have it all over everyone with regards to pork. Then last night I saw the Bizarre Foods episode set in Spain. I think the Spain may have us beat on the pork-loving front. They eat everything but the oink.

    Roast suckling pig looks delicious. It's too bad that cooking Wilbur would traumatize my kids or else I'd be cooking one on the grill.

  10. Les,

    Go to the French Fries article at Wikipedia. Scroll down to the "Canada" subsection. Or Google Poutine. Your cholesterol will go through the roof looking at the pictures...

  11. Oh, so YOU'RE the ones stole our snow. Cincinnati was predicted to get 1-3 inches American this morning, but by noon, they're saying only one inch.

    Was a whu' hoppen' moment til i read Indy stole our white stuff.



    TW: bedestin -- some kind of ointment, no doubt.

  12. I'd think you'd expect zero now and then in Indy; this morning my thermometer said it was 36 in Orlando, and we're looking at probably close to 32 tomorrow AM. For here, that's ice age weather....

  13. Our high degree BELOW zero.


    I'm not quite computer literate, so no idea if that address will show up as a link.

  15. I am jealous!! Don't burn them for heat!

  16. Mmm poutine, especially with real homemade fries and real squeaky cheese. It totally makes the cardiac care later worth it. Pardon me while I go and drool a bit...


  17. You should come over here for a visit. Currently 10 below, should hit 25 below tonight. Windchills into the negative 50s (F)

    At least now after my move from MI to here, I don't have to deal with the constant freeze-thaw crap that iced up my windows so bad anymore.

  18. our weather today - 38C (100F), tomorrow 40C (104F) ... anytime you want to swop ... I'm hoping it cools down a bit on Sat/Sun so I can get to the range (it's in a old quarry, with no shade).

  19. Blame Canada!
    Blame Canada!
    Seems like everything's gone wrong, since Canada came along...

  20. It's okay, Jay. You pay us back in the summer with your hot humidness. I think we invented the humidex reading here in southern Ontario just to deal with it.

    I don't mind cold; you can dress for it. I hate having sweat drop off the end of my nose just from walking down the street in July.

    Stay warm and safe, folks ... and thank Al Gore for all that global warming.


    WV = pyroping. Jumping a flaming skip rope?

  21. Just saw your post on the Knoxville Blog Network. I was in Chicago last week but managed to duck out before the nasty stuff - and really cold weather - hit town.

    Just wanted to say that I read your profile and it's always great to find another person who likes Heinlein, Rand, and Orwell - that there is the good stuff!

  22. Could be worse; this was yesterday, here:

    Just missed the 121-year-old record low. Global Warming my frostbitten butt...


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