Wednesday, February 04, 2009

At what point....

...did skinny handguards on an AR carbine start to look weird and oval ones start to look normal to me? For that matter, when did flat-top receivers stop looking weird?

...did I decide that the only thing goofier than a folding stock on a shotgun was a pistol-grip-only shotgun? I mean, that's all I used to own.

...did I stop having a "favorite handgun caliber" that I thought was "best"? (It was 10mm Auto, BTW...)

...did I start spending more on ammunition and magazines than on the guns themselves?

...did I stop liking HK products so much? I mean, I used to have calendars and posters and coffee mugs, for heaven's sake. Speaking of which, where is my HK coffee mug? The breakup wasn't that acrimonious; me and USPs are still friends.

...did I decide that maybe having a battery-powered accessory on a firearm wouldn't actually cause me to be struck by lightning?

...did I start daydreaming of attending a cool training course or going on a cool hunt, instead of buying a cool new gun?

...did I change my mind about revolvers? Seriously, where did all these wheelguns come from, anyway? I had, like, one eight years ago...


  1. Hmmmph.

    After shooting someones little J frame .32 with a CT laser grip, I have had a serious hankering for such an animal in my own stable.

    Dang it. They grows on ya.

  2. I think I shall make such a list of my own. An interesting idea for a meme, perhaps.


  3. I can answer the fifth one for you...

    You both came to the mutual understanding that you suck, and HK hates you.

  4. your sciencey friends might say it's all just a matter of evolution.

    i would venture that some were more revolution (with that last having been "revolverlution").


  5. "...did I start spending more on ammunition and magazines than on the guns themselves?"

    ..... I'm guessin' that would be sometime after the bargainiest price for .45 ACP went from $9.99 to $24.99 for at my local gun store.....

  6. #4 and #7 mean you're leading a more active shooting lifestyle.

    Using is a lot more fun that collecting :)

    I was on the phone with a buddy from college discussing the CZ-52 he just got. I had one a few years back but didn't shoot it much. Caliber was too small for the gun games, the trigger sucked and the grip angle was odd, I wasn't going handgun hunting for coyotes, etc. So I haven't missed it a lot. It was fun to handload for though.

  7. Wisdom is a wonderful thing....

    wv: dingees what the winter weather gives you

  8. "Using is a lot more fun that collecting :)"

    Oh, trust me, I find that the two don't particularly conflict. I'll be picking up a CZ-52 myself. I don't reckon I'll shoot it any more than my Polish Tok, but I figure it can't hurt to have one.

  9. Some lady once posted a link to a music video about being an adult. Just sayin'.

  10. Tam,

    Look at that list and remember, Dr. Strangegun didn't own a firearm until 2002 or so.

  11. Hell, the gunblogs got ME interested in revolvers. And i was the one that said a couple of years ago, "Why would i want one of those? I'm not Barney Fife!"

  12. I'll admit that Tam's Sunday Smith feature has planted the seed of moderate revolver lust (I want one, but I can't really afford another firearm right now, and I'd need about a year of hand-strength exercises to hit a farm, let alone the broad side of the barn), especially the Model 10-8, 3", like Marko's.

    Okay, maybe more than 'moderate'.

    Anymore, as far as firearms in general go, I try to remember Sam's advice: "lt's a toolbox. You put the tools in for the job."

  13. Wait, no - Model 13. Oops. Distracted by pretty gun, no read so well.

  14. I will concur with most of those points. I think it's called "growing up." (runs for cover)

  15. I'm with ya Tam.
    Lever actions and Revolvers... I went 40 years without a lever action, going from a Daisy Red Ryder to two Marlins (45-70 and .357), two Henrys and a gently used Winchester on lay-a-way.
    My first Revolvers were cap&ball and a NAA mini. Never saw a real need for anything but 1911s and Lugers.
    took me forever to give in and get a Taurus 605 that was a special purchase price at the local funstore. Then came the Colt Buntline .22/.22mag and a S&W 325PD.. Now I am working a trade of a Springfield Champion V-10 back to the buddy I got it from if he can find me the right old Smith.. I'll suffer with just full size 1911s for a while.

    Yeah, there is a place in the safe for almost every type of gun. I even have a plastic wondergun example:
    Walther P22 - It covers all the sins: Plastic, Pot metal, DA Auto, Magazine Disconnect, and Keylock.

  16. This all happened about the time you went from being a cool gunchick to being a respected member of the Firearms Community. I've been friends with you through the evolution, and like 'em both, and I know which one I'm more likely to shill books for. :)

    Hmm. About that. . .

  17. Oh, and "...did I start spending more on ammunition and magazines than on the guns themselves?"

    Was about about 18 months ago, wasn't it? (Awesome, BTW.)


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