Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From the PleasePleasePlease Get A Life Foundation:

If you are depressed because Barack Obama is not calling you on the phone and returning your secret affections, or that Michelle won't drop in on your sewing circle, you should get a life. Or stick your tongue in a light socket, mach nichts.

It's one thing for a teenybopper to act this way over... well, whoever that little boy is in that latest vampire movie, for instance... but for a middle-aged account executive in Georgetown, or a retiree in Boca Raton? Please just go in the garage, shut the door behind you, crank up the Buick, and don't come out 'til we call you.


(H/T to Liberty Girl.)


  1. How is this different than dreaming of John Moses Browning, P.J. O'Rourke or Ludwig Von Mises in one's shower? Don't we all have different tastes?

    Of course, JMB probably wore that one piece bathing suit thing in the shower.

    And then P.J. O'Rourke is probably smoking cigars in the shower and making sports car noises.

    Ludwig is in there worrying about the cost of soap.

    Wait . . . where was I?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. The cult of personality around this clown is absolutely frightening at times.

  3. I have to wonder how many babies are going to be named "Barack" over the next couple of years?

  4. crank up the Buick, and don't come out 'til we call you.


    you cruel evil publicans

    Just like me! :D


  5. Years before Savage titled his book I was saying that if psychiatry was an honest profession liberalism would be recognized as the mental disorder it is.

    Judith Warner is a sick woman. It's always unsettling to see the leftist "mind" laid bare, and all the more so when they so happily commit their emotional maladies to print. Her circle of friends - real or imagined - only confirm my diagnosis.

    It all comes down to the fact that THEY know what he is (a Marxist) and they worship him for it. It's their religion, he's their Messiah and they believe he's leading them to the promised land. It's as misplaced an act of faith as any in history, and I'm thinking of the Jim Jones kind of history.

    I don't have to send e-mails to find out what my friends think of Obama, and I'm comforted to know that they spend their spare time reloading ammo, not dreaming of screwing the President. (My friends know he's going to screw us, but they sure don't wish for it...)

    "I have to wonder how many babies are going to be named "Barack" over the next couple of years?"

    No worries here - I'm naming mine Barry Soetoro. He can always change it later if he can't "find" himself...

  6. The same disease stuck Canada 40 years ago, but it was called Trudeaumania then. My elderly aunt is still infected.

  7. Shootin' Buddy:

    Big fan of both JMB and Ludwig van Mises. Even kinda liked PJ O'Rourke, back in the day.

    Don't think I ever fantasized about spooning with any of 'em. Wait. Yup, pretty sure about that.

    And, uh, each of them (even O'Rourke!) did more than win the prettiest-pig-in-county contest.

  8. those folks are just going about it all wrong...just caught the local teevee news wherein the focus was on bo making an appearance in the fort myers, fl neighborhood called lehigh acres, about an hour from us here in sebring.

    lehigh got some national focus because it's a vast lowland (swamp) area that was semi-developed during the sixties fla land boom but sat dormant until the recent fever that swept the nation had thousands of houses being built for folks with no money and no job; and surprise, now a shitload of them are in foreclosure...so a great venue for the one to get some airtime for himself.

    and to really capitalize on the limelight, ol' barry went around the room calling on some folks to relate their tales of woe, saving one old girl for last who said she was homeless, but "we need more than just a park to pitch a tent in, we need our own kitchens and our own bedrooms in our own homes" (no mention of how she planned to pay for it, but it was pretty obvious that she thought bo should just "provide" it).

    so, anyway, she finishes her whiney spiel, and he ends his little meeting by going out to her in the crowd, hugging her, and telling her "we're going to see what we can do for you". ain't he just the sweetest angelic thang?

    as the news story closed, the reporter said after the cameras were off and barry had gotten his exposure, the lady was crowded with people falling all over themselves to find out how they can "help" her.

    so those worshippers you linked to just need to take her as a guide; wait for the cameras, hold up your hand for an hour or so, and cry on cue...that's how to get barry to lay hands on 'em, and get some great freebies to boot.

    now the national news is coming on, using a snip of this same meeting in their preview...let's watch and see their take. this old girl (and bo himself of course), are gonna ride this thing all the way home!


  9. ".....And then P.J. O'Rourke is probably smoking cigars in the shower and making sports car noises."

    Ok so since when is smoking cigars in the shower wrong? I mean it's better in the bath tub with some Johnny Walker Gold and a VR Don Alejandro, but times are tough. I guess I have to settle for Zaya Rum and a Punch Coronation! ;-)

  10. "I have to wonder how many babies are going to be named "Barack" over the next couple of years?"

    And how many of those are going to grow up and murder their parents?

    pawnbroker-- sounds like a daytime TeeWee program I barely bemember from my yoot; I think it was called "Queen For a Day". Followed, I think by "The Millonare". Both had the same theme-- Rich Bastids should give away their stuff to people who had no stuff.

    But, before I pass judgement on The Lightbringer, I still wanna see what he does with five loaves and two fishes...

  11. Me, I have the Barack door runs...

  12. "If you are depressed because Barack Obama is not calling you on the phone and returning your secret affections, or that Michelle won't drop in on your sewing circle..."

    Poster for the day: a picture of the "We need...We need...We neeeeed" chick with the caption: Stalking...ur doin it rong.

    {wv = unilin, the state of being opposed to doing things "The Illinois Way"}

  13. Whoops...brain fart. It's the people that Ms. Warner describes, pining for contact with The Ones, who belong on the poster.
    'Ms. WeNeed' evidently did The Stalking Thing perfectly.

    {wv = morothea: ceremonial name of the Queen of the Morlocks?}

  14. Oh. My. G-d.

    I take it back. BO isn't as bad as I thought... he's worse.

    verification = comenti. Is that Italian for "leave your comment"?

  15. Can you still kill yourself that way? I haven't ran a suicide like that in years. Now I am going to start calling around to see if anyone else has. Thanks there goes today.

  16. Please just go in the garage, shut the door behind you, crank up the Buick, and don't come out 'til we call you.

    Since these are the people that drive Priuses (Priusi?), will that even work?


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