Sunday, February 15, 2009

If you want more of something, subsidize it...

For example, if you want more banks built on creaky edifices of bad paper, or more car companies with lousy management, slapdash quality control, and pie-in-the-sky wages paid because of coercion by idiot unions, then you should subsidize those things and give them money. Once folks realize that being a loser is a winning business model in Nu-Perfect America, then people will clamor to become bad bankers and inept automakers themselves, I guess by not studying hard in school and slacking off at every opportunity.

And if you want more poor babies born out of wedlock to unemployed mothers, you should roll back the Clinton-era welfare reforms.

Actually, I'll bet Bill was secretly relieved to see that happen. His heart wasn't really in it in the first place, but the little straw poll we had in November of '94 made it look like a good idea.


  1. I strongly suspect that relatively speaking, all the lazy little girls willing to cross the whorederline and pump out babies for dollars doesn't even come close to costing as much as all the Wall Street Bankers who cross it.

    WV: "scuat" what I'm going to be left with after I pay off each group of lazy fuckers who won't support themselves.

  2. Can't understand this sort of thing.

    When The US of A goes financially, Tango Uniform, the bankruptcy auction should be totally awesome though.

  3. No surprise. The goal is to get 60% of the population depending on the Government for their existence. They will elect the Democraps who will support them with the money they steal from those who work. When not enough are working to support the rest, you declare martial law and put the slaves to work. Thus, we enter a socialist paradise at the point of a gun.

  4. So the question is would you have supported larger government 3-4 years ago or more regulation to have avoided this mess in the first place? Many conservatives would not, citing how the free market could do a better job of handling risk and regulation would just ruin innovation. Also, loans to the big 3 are just that loans. But at this point i am totally willing to say ok and pull the rug from any governmental intervention. So we can all pay more taxes to support medicare and medicade as it takes on the medical costs for all those retired auto workers who now have no pie-in-the-sky benefits anymore. So the banking system can crater and we can pay out tons under the FDIC. When Reagan was elected his tax cuts and reduced spending did much to discredit a big government viewpoint. Rightly so. But a tiny government viewpoint has contributed to this different mess. I guess its just easier to snark than it is to try to put forth practical solutions. Can't wait to eat some peanut butter crackers and hope I don't get sick, maybe we could save $$ by cutting the FDA some more.

  5. "But a tiny government viewpoint has contributed to this different mess."

    Really? When have we had a "tiny government viewpoint"? Cites, please.

  6. (Basically, what I'm telling you is that you are a fucking moron. Go sell that "de-regulation bogeyman" shit to your buddies at Kos and DU, because in the real world it hasn't happened for 20+ years.)

  7. You want specifics? How about less than 3,000 people for Food safety for a nation of over 300,000,000. And less than 2000 in the field. How about under 4000 in the SEC and less than 1500 in enforcement? You can NOT seriously mean to defend the current regulation that let Madoff steal 50 Billion and let hundreds if not thousands get sick from Texas peanuts. How about the TOTAL lack of supervision in imported items? I am a parent, and I have had to take toys away from my children after doing my due diligance and finding out that the lead and arsenic levels were dangerous. Instead of name-calling, how about a good argument about how wonderful the status quo is?

  8. By the way, I did factually give Reagan his due. I am not personally for BIG government. If we are going to spend money for things, however, why not spend it intelligently? You have a person at a bar and they are drunk. You can shrug and say its not my problem. Thats an ok response, no obvious cost to you. You can wait for them to leave and call the police, also ok, but going to cost you more $$. Your taxes pay for his jail time. Or you can try to get him a ride. Might cost some $$, but a whole lot less than calling the police. And maybe you save a life too. You see, im not a moron, im just a hardcore isolationist agnostic accountant. Never been to Kos either.


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