Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's not Manila, it's not Baghdad, it's not Medellín...'s Tucson. In Arizona. In my country.

A car screeches into a suburban driveway, four dudes un-ass the vehicle, including one with a rifle, and they charge the house. In broad daylight. In suburbia. In my country.

Luckily for the homeowner, who was not carrying a gun, he managed to get inside and lock the door behind him, and lay hands on a pistol before they forced entry. (I wonder if he'd been participating in a "What kind of paranoid carries a pistol at home?" thread on Glock Talk or Arfcom earlier in the day?) Despite starting way behind on the power curve, he held his cool and returned fire, driving off the goblins, possibly with one WIA. I'll bet you his pistol will be on his hip when he's mowing his lawn from now on...

In America. In my country. In suburbia. In broad daylight.

There is a third world country immediately to our south that is on the edge of societal collapse. There's a big slump in the landscaping and lawn-mowing industries here at home. Our own economy is, to put it as delicately as possible, fuXX0red. Carjackings, muggings, robberies, and even incidents like this are only going to become more common. And I guarantee you they won't call ahead and make an appointment, either. Speaking from personal experience, when crime happens to you, it happens real fast.

Carry your damn guns, people.


  1. First rule of a gunfight is "Have a f....... gun!" It is totally irrelevant that you have an air-cooled, teflon coated death ray at home, the fight is right here, right now.

  2. Bravo to the homeowner that fended off the ghetto trash that violated his property and nearly his life. On top of that one of shit-bags stormed in there with an AR-15. The sight of these a-holes running for their life down the street is beautiful. Kudos-May we all have the same resolve when confronted by this situation.

  3. I've heard a lot of speculation that the home owner must have been a drug dealer because of the CCTV system and his readiness.

    I'm not so sure. He might have been someone like......... me.

  4. Just read that Phoenix, AZ has the second highest incidence of kidnapping in the world. Who's number one? Mexico City. They seem to have something in common, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.


    wv: rearsac. Oh, come on! You have got to be kidding me.

  5. I have only one little point, if it is MY gun, it is a blessed gun. The other guy's have all the 'damned' guns. That is an amazing video, and should be evidence in Congressional hearings for several failures of their agenda (illegal alien, slave labor, and anti-Assault weapons). And no, they didn't get their weapons at a gun show. There went the blood pressure again.

    quefug - wv = WTF

  6. What to make of the fact that they did it in broad daylight? I mean, that seems like bad tactics unless there was some compelling reason for it.


  7. Yes, carry your gun, but I think there is more to this story than is being covered...

  8. Crime only happens to bad people who have done something to bring it on themselves. And it only happens at night, in bad parts of town.

  9. Speaking from personal experience, when crime happens to you, it happens real fast.

    I can second that. I learned the hard way to work on that condition yellow thing.

  10. Dammitall. Major advertisers all over the televisor, urging us all with the most pitiable examples to purchase home security systems, and this guy is presumed guilty for having one. Cake and eat it.

    I have a rudimentary TV recon device, and wish I had more for "behind the barn," but that would require wireless. And I sure ain't any weirder than Xavier.

    wv "offist"-an efficient shootist.

  11. That is so freaking scary and makes me shake my head in disbelief. How in the world does something like that happen?!?! What in the world were they after? I'm glad he was able to defend himself against the scum. Even if he WAS a drug dealer - I'm still glad he defended himself.

    But if he lives in the kidnap capital of the US and he believes in self defense it doesn't surprise me that he's got CTTV and protection. Good for him.

  12. We still don't leave survival to luck, 'cause Mr Murphy never takes scheduled vacations. I still wince at folks who believe they live in "one of the good neighborhoods!" and look askance at both of us (on the downhill side of 50 and still in love with our 1911 .45's). Interesting times ahead. Enjoy every cappuccino!

  13. "What kind of paranoid carries a pistol at home?"

    The surviving kind.

    WV: 'butious' Yes, my RIA compact 1911 is, thank you.

  14. Home isn't really safe, unless you have concrete walls, steel doors and bulletproof windows. Since most of us don't want to live in a bunker, the important part of the security system is inside the house.

    And yes, carry at home. Are you gonna have time to get to your weapon a room away when the door gets kicked in??

  15. "Crime only happens to bad people who have done something to bring it on themselves. And it only happens at night, in bad parts of town."

    Yes, and only people who have guns get shot. LOL! You gotta love the logic of "chosen ones" and their ilk.

  16. Jeff Cooper once wrote of a guy who had good security on the building he lived in(South American country), armored-up car, and so forth; he died because the bad guys used a telescope to look through his windows and noticed the only time he didn't have a pistol with him was in the bathroom. So when he got up one morning they killed the guard, got in, and killed him in the bathroom.

    And yeah, I've gotten to where I pretty much always have one on me or right next to me.

  17. Yes, Tam. I will always carry my weapon.

    That is all.

  18. Welcome to Tucson!

    Even in my quiet (knock on wood) neighborhood, we've had one drive-by (estranged ex) shooting and one (mistaken identity) home invasion.

    After the "drive by," lots of neighbors came out to see what was going on. Most of these neighbors were printing badly through their over garments.

    Wordverf: depicr

    I like that

  19. That waa a tight little group he shot in the windshield. I'm impressed. So, is the shooter a Zeta? Because the others sure didn't impress me much.

  20. My motto is have Glock will wear all times.


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