Sunday, February 15, 2009

Need a laugh?

Go here, 'cause it's the funniest thing I've seen on the intarw3bz this month. Srsly.


  1. Its what the Democrats do best... spend and tax.


  2. That's not funny, it's sick.

  3. well, in defense of the one, he only said he would address the issue...same thing he said about the war, health care, and ss/medicare.

    not sure of the exact address, but i do know the zip code...oz.


  4. Speaking of laughs - Always carry!
    (watch your trigger discipline):

    lol, firing blanks.

  5. In other breaking news, the Octo-mom announced that she would focus on planned parenthood in a new, exclusive, hard-hitting interview with Catty Couric.

    Oh, Tam, about those unicorns you've been asking about: Beta testing shows they fart perfume but they piss leaded gasoline. The administration wants everyone to know that leaded gas is the fault of the previous Republican administration, and the unicorns have been returned to Genetic Engineering at Area 51 for a redo. Scientist there have announced the Beta 0.9s taste like chicken.

  6. Yep, the Lightbringer is going to lighten our pocketbooks by a considerable amount...

  7. Wow! It's like getting Bags-O-Money from Teh Government, in your Tax Return!!! Where'd all that free money come from?? Amazing!

  8. This “stimulous” is meant and designed to do three things- provide patronage for the future, reward past loyalty, and further increase dependence on benefits by decreasing the value of savings- punishing thrift and enterprise.

    It will work just fine for those purposes.

    Depressions, panics, and inflation are great nurseries for inducing the people to demand and empower saviors.


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