Saturday, February 14, 2009

Okay, that's disturbing...

Watch the brief video. Towards the end, look for the chick on the left. The one that is just absolutely decorating her cupcakes in the presence of The chOsen One. Read her lips.

I don't know whether to be frightened, or to call and make her a reservation at the Rubber Ramada. I'm betting the Secret Service is leaning towards the latter.

With that level of rapturous devotion, it's only a matter of time until they find her under the window of Barack's bedroom with a roll of duct tape and a butcher knife.

(H/T to SondraK.)


  1. Yeeesh.

    Put a red wig on it and more clown makeup and it would look like my ex.

    On the other hand, she's batting for the other team now, and might be immune even to him.

    wv: inedq. Indeed.


  2. "With that level of rapturous devotion, it's only a matter of time until they find her under the window of Barack's bedroom with a roll of duct tape and a butcher knife."

    Double dog dare her.

  3. Oh, yeah. The Rubber Ramada it is. The rapt look on her face was downright disturbing. If the Secret Service is worth its salt, they're already listening to her cell phone chatter and tracking her car.

    F-ing creepy.

  4. Play "Misty" anyone?

    WV: nesseini. Something about Loch Ness?

  5. At least she didn't take her bra off and throw it at him. Luce Veritas is, after all, an entertainer, a rock star, like Tom Jones or Bon Jovi. Women have swooned in his presence on stage before, remember that.

    And she didn't say, "I'm your biggest fan" like in the movie Misery.

  6. What's scary is that her reaction isn't unusual. It's becoming the norm ...

    Worship the Lightbringer.

  7. Only thing we need now is that snake cult music from Conan the Barbarian.

    Barry is like Thulsa Doom: "Come to me my child, yes come........Splat!"

  8. eh, panty-tossers are a dime a dozen, but for creating a madeforteevee news clip for the one, ms. hughes gets the goodie bag...

    i've got a feeling all those frustrated idolaters are gonna be shedding the trappings of success and comfort just like ol' henrietta did -she and her 37 yo son both have college degrees- and head straight for the next big o tent show for their chance at some brown sugar and a little largesse.


  9. "Decorating her cupcakes" got a laugh out of me. Is that what they're calling it nowadays?

    You have to laugh at this, but its not promising. This guy's somewhere between an idol and a god to these people. Tavis Smiley on PBS compared Obama favorably to Fidel Castro, after a set-up about Castro being larger than life. There's an article about letters from kids to Obama; the worst was "please make it rain candy."

    This is how free nations die. I do think and hope that America is robust enough not to succumb.

  10. Oh yeah, Liberty Girl?

    Well, I TRIPLE dog dare her!


  11. I just think about how she's so not going to enjoy her fifteen minutes.

    Nor are her family, or her colleagues in the teachers' lounge / county clerk's break room.

  12. Wait 'til she sees how her devotion and adoration are rewarded. Just wait.

    WV: defec. I pooped a little in my pants when I saw this.


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