Thursday, February 05, 2009

Quote of the Day:

"No wonder Democrats don't mind raising our taxes. They apparently don't pay any." -JR, at The Texican Tattler


  1. But I thought paying taxes was "patriotic?"

    What does it say about Obama that he's surrounding himself with tax cheats then?

  2. @Mike W.

    It's patriotic for you to pay taxes. Nobody said anything about them paying any.

  3. Noted in today's news that Charles Rangle failed to disclose royalty income from a publishing deal.
    I swear I'm trying not to laugh because I'm sicker than a dog and it hurts to but that's teh funny.
    "royalty income" That fat pompous nontaxpaying SOB considers himself to be above the rest of us.

    wv = exiconn Something I hope he becomes, an excon after a few years in the bighouse.


  4. Because of course no one in the GOP has EVER gotten in trouble for anything. I say an audit for all of them from Obama right on down the line for DEM & GOP (Neither are free of coruption). The sooner people see that they are ALL crooks and focus on that rather than the us or them, this side that side arguing and realize that both are the same (Crooks).

  5. Uh, that's kind of the point, see?

    A bunch of people voted for "CHANGE" and it seems that the only change they got was the party affiliation of the guys getting busted.

  6. Gmac, do you have a source? Rangel got busted a little while back for failing to report income from his rental place in the Dominican Republic as well, and (sort-of) paid up. Is he back in a hole?

    I hope?

    (WV: eximin. What needs to be done to Rangel's books. And his entrails.)

  7. Congressman Eric Cantor is the first to use that line.

  8. FWIW, I don't care for many politicians at all Democrat or Republican. The ones that violate the law and openly flaunt it aggravate me the most.

    The link to Rangle's latest as seen at The Hill:


  9. So much for my first foray with tiny url...


  10. "It's patriotic for you to pay taxes. Nobody said anything about them paying any."

    Sorry, you're right. I seem to have forgotten my place for a second. The enlightened one's can't have us bitter clingers getting all uppity....


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