Sunday, February 01, 2009

State of the Blog.

January's going to be a tough act for me to follow. I just hope it wasn't a fluke.

(You can click to embiggen if you're a stats geek or just want to bask in the wonderfulness of me.)


  1. Well Blogmomma, I guess there is a reason you are the Queen of blogs.

  2. Shoot, a good month for me is probably a good fifteen minutes for Rachel Lucas...

  3. Lots of us bask daily in your wonderfulness.

  4. Yeah ... sometimes, your wonderfulness is all that gets us through the day. You know what I mean?


  5. Heh, I guess it's all relative. I had a nice Tamalanche yesterday and was kinda happy with it.

  6. Tam, I caught your blog from Mr. Rawles site. Witty, attractive and have a great appreciation for fine weapons. Doesn't get any better in a blogger. Thanks TT

  7. Tam--

    People are awakening to the realization of what a blog mistress you are...

    Hope January is a LOW month for 2009!!

    Old Squid.

  8. 50% increase over this time last year; not too shabby!

    Keep up the good snark!


  9. Your activities with regard to The Ascension probably stimulated part of that jump.

  10. I too caught your blog from Mr. Rawles (Survivablog) site, and have since bookmarked it. Look for it to go up again, he mentioned you again, and with his blog being mentioned in a news article, his #'s have climbed also. Good for both of you.

  11. Me too - Tamara's Books, Bikes and Boomsticks blog has recently became one of our favorites, filling the void of clever and humorous...
    and more are going there, then to here. Enjoy both.
    We've had a big spike in SurvivalBlog site visits, after Yahoo News picked up this article from the AFP news service in France about me and SurvivalBlog: Thought things were bad? US survivalists await worse.
    Notes from JWR:

    My novel "Patriots" just got mentioned by Prof. Glenn Reynolds in his popular Instapundit blog. That briefly pushed my book's sales rank from it's usual +/- #700 all the way up to #149 (out of 3.5 million titles.) And in the "Contemporary Fiction" category, its rank reached #23. That's not bad for a self-published novel that has been in print for almost 11 years.


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