Saturday, March 21, 2009

Corvette in the barn....

Oh, do I have the gun show story for you guys.

First, I'm going to toast my success with a tasty beer.


  1. Don't be a tease, Tam! What'd you get?

  2. < jealous > Must be nice to go to a gun show and actually find something worth buying. Wish there was something like that here in the land of the Charter Oak. I think you guys have way too many good gun shows over there. < /jealous >

    WV = "prick"; yup, that's me.

  3. So, is this one going on cosmo and rust?

  4. Oh come on.... Give it up!

    Drink beer with one hand, type with the other.

  5. Its been over an hour. you can stop field stripping your new toy and fill us in Tam. :)

  6. At first I thought the delay was because she was going to drink five beers,then I realized that was the comment number, then I decided she is basking in the glow of her glory and will get back to flaunt her victory when she returns to Earth. Sometimes one just rides until it should hurt, but you run out of fuel first.

    touslog wv

  7. Oh, she does this after every gunshow. She will find some off the wall deal-like Winston Churchill's personal revolver from WWI-for a song (I don't know, maybe Tam CAN sing) and then make us wait for the whole story for a couple of days.

  8. who but the tamarista can go to the show with no dough and come home a winner? barter is a powerful tool when there's an "arms room" full of trade fodder...prob'ly doesn't hurt to be a statuesque blonde with a firearms encyclopedia between the ears, either.


  9. Tam's postings may be a bit on the light side for a day or so...see RobertaX's blog.

  10. Oh, Tam. Not a Corvette.

  11. It's one of those things, dummy. A meteor.

    Wait, that's not right . . . . metaphor! It's a metaphor.

  12. A Mercury Meteor? WuHell, whyncha say so?

  13. Is your story better than some numbnuts shooting himself in the foot with his .410 derringer while leaving the show?

  14. Damn, Ma'am, don't tease. And TJP, where were you at the Springfield Mass. show last week? 800 tables, and pretty much all good quality. Prices running about half of what you'd see across the river in Cabela's.

  15. Geez, guys. All of yous need to relax. You're reminding of the old joke, "How do you keep a moron in suspense?"

    I'll tell you tomorrow.

    Tam's probably going to shoot the gun she got at the range and post pictures with commentary about it tomorrow. Go have a few beers.

  16. Jeeze, Orange, that would entail some of us having actual lives. You ask a lot of a guy.

    You're the one with no patience. The yowling and crying are the fun part of this. Enjoy it.

  17. Pics or you bought a Hi-point... /barf

  18. Heh. Ed, I was in Connecticut. :o)

  19. "You're the one with no patience. The yowling and crying are the fun part of this. Enjoy it."

    I suppose it is. :)


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