Monday, March 30, 2009

Get offa my lawn!

How they say "Keep Off The Grass" in Fowler, IN.


  1. Makes my Dad's "guaranteed kid free Daisy Air Rifle lawn" look sort of lame.

  2. The wheels on that thing aren't OEM are they?

    I could swear I remember the OEM version have somewhat wider wheels.

    Not that it ever helped much in mud...

  3. Actually I think that's how you say "Get the F*** off my lawn THIS VERY INSTANT and OUT OF MY SIGHT". An order that was probably instantly obeyed.

    Love it. I could probably park about a hundred on my lawn, wonder where I'd get that many?

  4. Load that with case shot and you could defenestrate an awful lot of zombies with a single bang...

  5. hehe hehe

    You said "defenestrate".

    hehe hehe

  6. Actually, it's how one never has to say "Keep off my lawn" after the first, very loud, time.

    Those look like the original wheels, note the brakes fit perfectly.

    And it's a new photo category!

    "Genuine cannons displayed at private houses. NO PUBLIC MONUMENTS ALLOWED."

    There's a pre-hydraulic recoil system Russian breechloader at a farm gate near here, a big one like a six inch. I'll take a picture.

  7. Even though that does look like a public WWI monument...

  8. Well hell yes that's a VFW's side yard.

    During the centennial of the Civil War, a local guy got the bug, and put hisself together a genuine mixed artifact--a Union barrel on a Cenfederate carriage. Looked good on the lawn, it really did. His misfortune was that he lived 3/4 mile from a major refinery, and refinery security insisted that he stake it down hard pointed away from their facility, since there's no telling what a drunked-up teenager might do some night.
    Sniggering ensued.

    Fast forward to the "post-9/11" era, when the same security force (okay, sons and nephews thereof) were excoriated in neighborhood meetings by a Public Citizen front group, for stepping up their perimeter patrols after Green Card Holders of a Certain Persuasion in the same city had actual shoulder-mounted launchers confiscated from the back office of their used-car lot. Because that would be racist.

    Our American Legion still has its twin-40 tank, though.

  9. That's NOT Rose Holme Cottage??

  10. American Legion Post 57
    400 East 5th Street
    Fowler, Indiana

    Shootin' Buddy

  11. Not very knowledgeable re artillery - can someone identify that piece? I am guessing WWI era? Is that the 75mm we bought/copied from the French?

  12. Nathan,
    Uhhhm, just which window would you be tossing zombies OUT of with that thing? I could see it throwing a bunch of zombies, or assorted zombie pieces, INTO various windows...

  13. German.

    Wikipedia says either


    There's a nice WWII 88 on the courthouse lawn in Fort Payne, Ala., and a WWI 75 in Lexington, Va.

  14. [...] I said "Get off my lawn!" [...]

  15. Actually, some kids from Weslayan (at least it got blamed on them) hacksawed a 12 pound ball free from the welded up pile in Cromwell CT, then drilled out the blocked touchhole on one of the 12 pound bronze Napoleons on the town green in Middletown. They've long since reaimed the guns, so nobody else can shoot/roll a cannon ball two miles down South Main St.



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