Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hope you got your things together.

I just felt a great disturbance in the Force, like millions of 401k's crying out and then suddenly silenced...

Of course, select stocks are doing okay. While General Motors stock is not as good an investment as Charmin these days, and far scratchier to boot, Ruger seems to be moving along tickety-boo. No doubt their success has been buoyed by the fact that they've finally decided that, yes, an honest man may actually need more than ten rounds, or a handgun smaller than a canned ham.

The success of their attempt at a forced entry back into the Barney Fife market hasn't hurt Smith & Wesson, either. That, and it looks like they got into the AR-15 game right in time, too, since anything even vaguely "Evil Black Rifle" shaped is selling like tie-dyed rolling papers at a Grateful Dead concert.

It wouldn't be bad to be in the ammunition business these days, either. Folks have been buying at a rate that has sucked the pipeline dry, and are still shopping for more. See, unlike a gallon of milk (or the U.S. Dollar, come to think of it) ammunition doesn't really go bad. And you can always use it for trade goods when we're searching the rubble for rusty cans of peas with colanders strapped to our faces...


  1. "...selling like tie-dyed rolling papers at a Grateful Dead concert."

    That line made me guffaw on the bus. Loudly!

  2. Ballistic wampum.

  3. The last time I talked to my friends at FOS Ammunition they still had lots of stuff available. And they should be coming out with some .308 ammo soon.

  4. I remember reading somewhere on some blog that "In the coming aftermath, the going price for a 17 year-old virgin will be a box of .22 ammunition."

    Like you could find a 17 year-old virgin.

    Word verification: "prega"


  5. - and another big seller- safes.

    Imagine that, people finally realize that your money is safer in a safe than in the hands of the same people who lost it the first go round- now our all-knowing new empire gives a second chance to the same 'managers' to lose even more?

    If you smell poop- it probably is..............

    Denny :)


  6. "I just felt a great disturbance in the Force, like millions of 401k's crying out and then suddenly silenced"

    No, that was just me. Crying and holding myself under the kitchen table after opening my last SEP statement.

    *rocking back and forth* It will come back, it will come back, it will come back . . .

  7. I am told that reprints of Atlas Shrugged are going gangbusters too.

    Anyone care for an old copy of Adam Smith's 'Wealth of Nations'?

  8. Boy, I am so glad we elected a Democrat to fix the economy after those stupid, corrupt Republicans screwed it up!


    Other things selling well: beans, rice.

  9. Sold every real estate and paper investment between October '07 and October '08.

    For ONCE, I hit it right.

    Yes, I should have bought gold, but still better than hanging on.

    Submit word Gadectin- ask your doctor if it's right for you.

  10. It won't come back if the company goes out of business. Good thing my father cleared out his portfolio before he passed away. Things would be a lot tougher for Ma P.

    Sounds like it's time for the shiny-pages industry to set aside all the GFW nonsense and start picking up ads from firearms and accessories manufacturers. And if there are First-Amendment-violating advertising bans in place, chuck 'em.

  11. I'm putting money in to tar and goose feathers. I suggest others buy rail futures.

    (Seriously, though -- the members of my family who were laughing at my ass for storing up "pioneer" supplies of salt, flour, sugar, coffee, rice and beans aren't laughing nearly so loudly now. In fact, many of them are asking what they ought to start laying in.)

  12. Roseholme Cottage could subsist for a month off canned food and dried beans and pasta if we had to.

    And every grocery trip a bit more goes into the pantry...

  13. Well yeah, but you can't be a Serious Survivalist if you let Ro get away without sharing the recipe for Sai Gon Cat.

  14. I have a nice big stack of colanders and I'm taking a correspondence course in dune buggy maintenance. :-)

    WV "ornize": to make ornery.

  15. so, lessee...if the first forty days saw a decline from 9k to 7k, then the "first 100 days" oughta bring us to about 4k; how does bo spell success? d-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n.

    and runups in mining and firearms stocks notwithstanding, i think i'll continue to take "hard delivery" of my investments in metals...be they gold, silver, or blued.

    wv: thsec...the second 100 days? i don't even wanna think about it.


  16. From p.2 of the Pajamas article: "...our rather dim vice president."

    That's his name in print from now on, capitalized thus: Our Rather Dim Vice President, or just ORDVP.

    Don, I saw an Atlas Shrugged poster on the wall at my local Barnes & Noble a week ago. Purely by chance, I'm sure.

    wv = "uncers." Hmmm, is that what people used to get from worrying all the time about blue helmets?

  17. ( Gilligan )
    " ... you can't make me wear that colander ... you can't make me, you can't make me ..."
    ( /Gilligan )

  18. Frankly, I'd rather read The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress than Atlas Shrugged. And apparently, you can find both in airport bookstores right now.

    But that's just me. Haven't had much use for Miss Rand since about 1980. But all my Heinlein is dog-eared.

  19. FYI: Remington Golden Bullet 22LR bulk boxes stored in a garage in Texas has an increasing rate of duds, from 0% in year 2005 to 4% in 2009 (so far). Not a statistically significant study, but some rounds do go bad after multiple cycles of freezing and extreme heat. No similar problems with my centerfire rounds so far, even the corrosive 1970's Hungarian surplus 7.62x54. Then again, maybe those AREN'T supposed to make a fireball like the BBQ farts of Zeus?

  20. "While General Motors stock is not as good an investment as Charmin these days, and far scratchier to boot"

    I understand that Charmin stock touched a new bottom today, but most investors were not wiped out.

    (I know. Just couldn't resist.)

  21. Remember, the final value of almost every company, and thus every share therein, is 2ERO.

    When Warren Buffett dies (just as when Hetty Green did), they'll find a bunch of worthless shares in the back of the safe and wonder, "Why on Earth did the old man buy THESE dogs?"

  22. Looks like we're in for nasty weather.

  23. This Force wouldn't mind the gut-wrenching drop in his pension plan, but my company just cut off my disability checks a year early. They're saying my short-term is factored into the long-term period of payments. Notice came in an undated letter on the 7th, terminating my employment the 4th.I'm 66. Glad we have a lot of dry-goods, pasta, and tuna. Bought a can of Spam yesterday. OldeForce

  24. My wife now thinks I'm a genius for convincing her to sell what few stocks we had about two years ago and buy a UZI SMG with the money. The stocks covered the cost of the MG and we used the excess to pay off an outstanding loan.

    The UZI has gone up in value since then. I know those stocks would be in the basement now.

    I'd like to claim forethought, but I just wanted an UZI and I thought the "It will only go up in value" argument sounded good. Who knew I'd be right?

  25. My employer thanks you for the smattering of chicken sammy bits which now festoon the monitor.


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