Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How 'bout a subtle innuendo sandwich...

...with a side of feigned curiosity?

Also note that, to a certain segment of the populace (rhymes with "urinalist"), discussion of Revolutionary War history is now seen as paranoid right-wing nuttery...


  1. Ah. You mean "dumbassery", I think.

    Innuendo, I believe, is still the italian word for Preparation H.

    Still appropriate here, methinks.

  2. Well isn't she a charmer!



  3. You know, Katie has been seen around children who aren't her own. I'm just "curious" to know if she's possibly having "improper" relations with them.

    See, I'm not saying she IS a child molester, I'm just curious you know.

    When Rich comes in and explains in detail where Katie was wrong, she responds with "I remain curious". No, she remains willfully ignorant.

    It's amazing people like her can manage which end of the sock to put on their foot in the morning.

  4. I am constantly amazed that people like Katie are capable of functioning in society.

  5. Whack-a-mole. Whack a Lib journalist.

    Both are games that require an inert object.

    J t R

  6. I disagree, Robb.

    She's being obtuse on purpose. She's hoping that by spreading disinformation - which she covers by admitting her "curiosity" - she will cause Rich to be investigated for illegal activity.

    Hey, at least she didn't publish his home address, right?

  7. Jay, we're on the same page. Katie, who as far as I know hasn't cheated on her taxes (but anyone in the IRS who is curious might want to check into it, you never know!), plays the "I don't know what you mean" card so that she can continue to slander Rich and claim stupidity as the reason.

    Willful ignorance is a oxymoron.

  8. Oh! Oh! I know the answer!

    Is it 'Absence of Malice' with Paul Newman and Sally Fields?


    vw=duchlyho. I can come up with several invectives off that one.

  9. Word VF: dereckey - that's the nutshell from which journalists pop.

  10. You guys are too good! Really too good. She chickened out and deleted almost all the comments there. I'm guessing it was on the advise of the legal counsel representing the Knoxville New Sentinel.

  11. Lissa: I thought it was just another instance of the typical Rational Discourse response to being challenged on the facts... But if counsel spanked her, so much the better!

  12. *snickers* Looks like Katie (and all of her pointless innuendo) had her ass handed to her on a silver platter, and then had to go back through and expunge any record of it.

    Reasoned Discourse indeed!

  13. I heart me some Google cache. Some of the excellent comments aren't there, but everything is as it was before about 8:30 this morning. Just in case anyone missed it earlier, I have tucked the saved page away on my own site, with a touch more snarkage, just for good measure.

  14. Long day, brain fade, what rhymes with "urinalist"

  15. Oh, I have a new code word for bicth..Katie


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