Friday, March 13, 2009

Man accused of beheading wife pleads not guilty... it was done by a one-armed man.

Investigators dubious, as decapitation usually takes both hands...


  1. 'The Fugitive' jokes in 3...2...1...

  2. I don't know, looks like she had a skinny neck. With a sharp sword, and a little practice . . . yes, it is surprisingly more difficult to make clean cuts with a sword than you might think . . . it should be doable.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. B Smith,

    You've already heard the Fugitive joke.

    I'm pretty sure he claimed no such thing, but it was funny.

    This is a blog. We tell funny lies here. If you want serious lies, you'll need to turn on CBS... ;)

  5. And just look at how much good that restraining order did her.

    WV: "hedzueso" There has got to be some seriously perverse AI generating these things...

  6. But surely the real murderer cut off her head, then cut off his own arm and devoured it before making his escape. He's the one you want, your honor!

  7. If he gets off, he will spend the rest of his free time looking for the Real Killer(TM) on every golf course and steak house in America. But the dead wife's family will sue him into bankruptcy. But he could recoup by writing a book called "If I Really Did Behead My Wife."

  8. It was an ACCIDENT, I tell you!

  9. Yeah! The sword just went off! I didn't know it was sharp!



    ok, maybe a little droll, but I fly that way...

  11. What, are you doubting the abilities of amputees now? That's...that's...amputeeist!

  12. Muslims believe that headless folks can't enter paradise, so we are charging a deeply religious man with a crime caused by his faith in Allah.

    Just saying. Muslims ought to be tolerated about as much as the Klan or cannibals would be.

  13. I can believe a one-armed man did it, much more easily than I can join the yapping newsdogs in believing there was no connection to [radical fundamentalist] Islam.

    It's possible to conceive of an Islam that could genuinely co-exist peacefully with the human race. But they'd better get the hell to it; there is a limit to patience.

  14. "When I came home, there was a man in my house. He had a mechanical arm... You find this man."

  15. Sumdood only has one arm? Did LawDog or AD ever mention that?


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