Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meanwhile, in Texas...

...somebody obviously forgot the first rule of Fight Club.


  1. That doesn't sound much like a "fight club". It sounds more like a dog fighting or cock fighting settup. The assholes who were promoting this should be thrown into a ring with Bricktop's dogs, from "Snatch".

  2. Oh the joys of state-run health care. Mental-health in this case, but still state run health care.

    I just can't wait for the hope 'n change to take over everything.

  3. Sort of reminds me of Police Athletic League, in junior high school. I give them credit for coming up with a non-pharma therapy for ADD, but even from a liberal POV it made as much sense as a Future Felons Pistol Team.

  4. Would it be too harsh if I suggested hanging these people upside down from the ceiling of the dorm and letting the patients hit them with broom handles? Sort of a state worker Pinata, as it were.

  5. Sort of a state worker Pinata, as it were.
    There are those of us who think this would be an excellent policy in general. Make it a Monday event--let those of us in the productive sector work out our cases of "the Mondays" before work, and watch GDP soar!


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