Wednesday, March 04, 2009

El burro hablando de orejas.

Does anybody else find it darkly amusing that the Mexican government has its BVD's in a bowline about contraband allegedly crossing the border and fueling crime in their country?

Physician, heal thyself.

UPDATE: Any bets on this rifle turning up down there? Clearly we need to close the Squad Car Loophole.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. It's possible that the trunk opened and the rifle bounced out?

    Uh-huh. That, or unicorns grabbed it.

    A third possibility is that an offer of significant inducement was made and accepted...


  2. A $1000 reward is being offered!
    The "Squad Car Loophole" ? tee hee
    That's what we need - a new law!

    btw Does the officer in question get to reimburse the taxpayers for his failure to protect *public property*?

  3. "A Grand Prairie officer, whose name was not released, said his Colt M-16 automatic rifle was missing from the trunk of his squad car on Sunday. The weapon was not loaded. "

    "The weapon was not loaded."

    ummmm..... er..... guess we got real lucky there, 'cuz those drug thugs will never find a cop willin' to put bullets in it for 'em!

  4. Have no fear! I have it on good authority that the M-16 in question was not loaded. And that's relevant. Seriously.

    If only we could repeal the Lautenberg amendment; then we could just run a trace on the gun to find out where it went. Still, I'm not worried, because everyone knows that you can't sell a machine gun in this country without going through an NFA background check. We're sure to recover the weapon in question at that point.

    Trust the laws.

  5. I'm not sure I could even put a bowline in a pair of BVD's. An overhand knot? Sure. No problem. A figure eight knot? Almost for certain. But a bowline? Damn! They have some serious talent down there.


  6. BVD's in a bowline is the next step up from Hanes in a half-hitch.

  7. And the Chicago police are planning on buying thousands of ARs for "patrol rifles". I can only imagine how happy this will make the Mexicans, and US druglords.

  8. Do you think Chicago PD will give AR-15s to 14 year olds? Hmmm, wonder if I can get my nephews out of school for a couple of days? All four of them can handle weapons better than any CPD cop.

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. "If only we could repeal the Lautenberg amendment; then we could just run a trace on the gun to find out where it went..."

    Not to be pedantic, but might you mean the Tiahrt Amendment?

  10. Tiahrt Amendment, Second Amendment... one of those pesky Amendment things that's always getting in the way of efficient governance, anyway.

  11. Pfft. They have a problem with which they're incapable of dealing effectively, so the easy political road is simply to blame El Diablo Grande del Norte.

  12. Sarcasm fail? I'll try to limit myself to less than 4 snarks per post next time.

  13. I got it; I was just riffing off B&N there...

  14. Is this an Onion-alike you sent us to, Tam? From the same site:

    "Some Mexicans fear threat to way of life with rapid growth of American residents"

    "Not everyone is rolling out the welcome mat to Americans. Many Mexicans complain about the rapid growth of the American population in their neighborhoods, the threat they see to Mexican culture and language, and the possible drain on Mexico's inexpensive health care."

  15. Jeez, ya'd think we were exporting tons of illegal and lethal drugs to them thar' South of the Border folks.
    And consequently, reaping huge cash draining profits form their national economy.

    Now wouldn't that be sumt'ing to complain about?


    J t R

  16. To be fair, I do hear a lot of cops wish for the repeal of the Lautenberg amendment (which was just overwhelmingly upheld GTW). It's the one that disarms wife-beaters, and it really hurt them.

  17. It disarms a lot more than just wife beaters.

    There are plenty of judges that hand out boilerplate R.O.'s like party favors during divorce proceedings. Enough so that, when someone was turned down on a TICS check and looked puzzled as to the reason, my first question was always "Have you been divorced recently?" Very often the answer was "Yes, why?"

  18. Although it may be true that the mexican criminals' guns have their origin in the US, most of them are manufactured in the US, or shipped through the US as aid to the Mexican government, and then stolen or gifted to the criminals by corrupt government officials.

  19. "Divorced?" "Yes, why?" "Did you know you're a felon now?"

    Aha how Tiahrt and Lautenberg come together like that. To a reasonable man, any crime great enough to justify losing your arms, your vote and your right to run for office ought to be bad enough for a legislature to "Boy up" and define it a felony. But no. Not even ex post facto.

    In an emergency of course, felons can vote (this will be a long emergency), but misdemeants cannot file for return of their liberties like a felon can. And a child-specified domestic missie-d charge can get you on the Thousand-Foot List in many states, as well. Who knew living near a school was a privilege?

    Some lawyers (defined in divorce specialty as "Any good lawyer") will bring charges of wife-striking and child abuse in the briefcase to the first hearing. In many cases, no witness is required, because That Would Be Sharia.

    Wild world out there. The process did cost some federal agents their field assignments (guns), though.

  20. SPeaking of undesireable imports - I wish we could trade Mexican nationals in our jails for coked-up American fratboys who find their way to Mexican jails. On second thought... let 'em rot.

    Anyhoo - Keep your eyes peeled. I finally mailed your birthday present (which I bought in, oh, NOVEMBER). One of those chocolate bars is for Bobbi, btw. Happy belated.

  21. You know, I feel for Mexico, I really do. I think we need to deploy a few battalions of our nation's finest to patrol the border so the soldiers can stop and sieze these illegal weapons before they can make it across the border.

  22. "But a bowline? Damn! They have some serious talent down there."

    It's not that hard..... with a really large thong....... don't ask me how I know this.......


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