Friday, March 06, 2009

A true achievment.

Not only is View From The Porch your leading source of Horrible Screaming Death, but we are also now Google's #1 go-to site for Face Eating Monkeys.

Some people may want to be President or an astronaut or Miss America, but how many of them will ever have the satisfaction of typing "Face Eating Monkeys" into Google and seeing their blog at the very top of the list? Compared to that, a tiara and a suitcase full of launch codes is chump change.

I have truly arrived.


  1. Well, I'll be damned! You're right!

  2. We are so PROUD of you!

    Words fail me.

    WV: dillym What Tam's blog award is cast from

  3. I dunno ... if the tiara came with the briefcase (or vice versa), it could be a tempting trade-off.

  4. You are teh kewl. Thank the academy.

    WV: moblet

  5. Oooo oooo oooo! [chomp]
    -Face-eating Monkey

  6. And next I'll be looking for a win in the "tossed in the Soylent Green vat lest they somehow swim upstream to the spawning grounds again" category.

  7. Shouldn't that be chimp change? (quick duck!)

    Well done, best I've done in Google is "world domination and cake)

  8. Brigid beat me to the pun.

    Srsly tho. Commenting on monkeys & BHO in the same post is racist. Shame on you. SHAME!

  9. Jebus ... do we have to spell it out for them?

    "We do not think that you are really a gorilla, OK?"

  10. You're also far and away the leader if we Google up "you know who designed that gun?"


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