Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Understatement of the New Millennium:

I just noticed that CNN.com puts a small disclaimer line at the bottom of all of Jack Cafferty's tongue-bathings of the anointed One:
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jack Cafferty.
Boy, howdy. I don't think I swooned like that over Val Kilmer when I was a teenager. You got something on your chin, there, Jack...


  1. "What a welcome change to feel like someone is running the country instead of running it into the ground."

    Ummm...... er...... yeah, mehbee in Bizarro Worl', where borrah'n money to make a payment on borrah'd money ain't thought'a as the kinda stuff them there gamblin' addicts 'n junkies'd do.... th' prollem wit all dis is it's MY lil' kids is gonna be th' ones payin' it all back.

    "Ain't runnin' it inta th' groun' " he sez........ It's like we was to look out th' winda of the airoplaine of State, an noted th' h'rizon was turnt 90 degrees wrong, ever-thang was fallin' t'ward th' cockpit, the engines was screamin' an' dis idjit's sayin' "How 'bout that PILOT, huh? Ain't he swell? He don't kick kittens like that last one! Have some pea-nuts and enjoy our FREE in-flight movie. Apply fer a gubmint voucher fer yer headphones... line forms in the back."

    Where.... indahell.... is my parachute?

  2. Yeah, when a private citizen buts their AmEx bill on their Visa, it's stupid. When the government does it, it's stimulus.

  3. I find it absolutely incredible the unmoderated, unquestioning adoration the media heaps upon Barack Obama without once questioning the validity or efficacy of his policies. Everyone seems to know his economic policies don't make sense for the country in the long run, but they are willing to eat if Obama is holding the spoon. Do they have any idea how a capitalist economy is supposed to work, or do they wish it were otherwise? I am frustrated and amazed!

  4. Hey now, the Won managed to spend as much money in his first 40 days in office as it took the Shrug 7 years of foreign warmaking to. The Won truly is a prodigy.

    Never thought I'd long for the halcyon days of Clinton. Phew. Man, remember '93? '93 was fuckin' awesome compared to this shit.

    WV: "gales", yeah, before the fuckin' hurricane

  5. jimbob, if you're not already a fan of Petroleum V. Nasby (the V is for Vesuvius), I think you might like him.

    vw: distoxys. I don't know, but I wouldn't let it out of Ft. Meade.

  6. You got something on your chin, there, Jack...

    And some seems to have gotten on his hair and shoulders too.

  7. Yeah, I commented about this over at Liberty Girl's. His last line was priceless:
    "At least I don't go to bed at night worrying that I'll wake up in the morning and find out we're about to invade someone."
    Fuck you, Jackie-boy, I hope you sleep in a really tall building tonight...

    WV: cityloid. City on film?

  8. "At least I don't go to bed at night worrying that I'll wake up in the morning and find out we're about to invade someone."

    Perhaps he doesn't worry about that because he's thinking about Obama "jamming a huge stimulus package through Congress".


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