Monday, March 23, 2009

While waiting for his appointment with Ahmadinejad...

...Obama suggests regime change in France.

(Or at least implies it by kissing up to the ex Frog prez instead of the current one.)

Y'know, for all the problems, gaffes, and blunders of the Shrub administration, in retrospect they look like regular frikken' statesmen compared to the Senator from Hyde Park.

UPDATE: FWIW, this story turned out to be bogus.


  1. Tam, this has just been for 60 days. W took years to build up his body of work of gaffes and goofs. This One purposely goes on national shows to display them at every chance. And no one minds.

    Comedians normally would sell their mothers to a Tijuana whorehouse for a chance at a public figure as easy to make fun of as This One. Yet no cracks or jokes.

  2. I swear to God, if he cracks a cabbie or 7-11 joke, and it starts a nuclear exchange...

  3. It is my carefully considered opinion The Lightbringer could mismanage a two-car funeral.

  4. As a resident of Hyde Park, whose Walgreens was previously infested with racks and racks of Obama merchandise, I would like to point out an interesting fact:

    About three weeks after the inauguration, the manager put up a sign that said there were no refunds on Obama merchandise.

    Even the nutso residents of this ridiculous neighborhood can recognize a failure when they see one.

  5. it least he has BIg ears!

  6. Elvis--

    I'd point out that it's racist of you to mention his ears, but that's Tam's job.

  7. Everybody makes mistakes.

    Just not every day, and certainly not of the magnitude of The Won's.

  8. As I have said before, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, he is the media's tool of Saul Alinsky. :-)

    During the campaign Barry's stupidity manifested itself over and over, however he had the media covering for him. I do not what it will take to break the media's infatuation with him--but that would mean the end of Leftism and that's not going to happen!

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. Obama admires Chirac's ethics. As in the slogan that won the run-off election for Chirac: "Vote for the crook, not the fascist."


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