Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You might be are a redneck if...

You think that this is a classy way to display your unpretentious yet impertinent little Modesto green-apple flavored white from that famous vintage, the second week of January:

(Detailed! Hand Painted!)


  1. I believe that is the actual Mexican gun canard.

  2. I met an upscale redneck the one time. He had a wine rack in the back of his pickup.


  3. That is ten shades of awesome.

  4. They even put a band on the leg. Color me impressed!

  5. Great for any decor. Says so right there on the box!

  6. You say Redneck as if it were a bad thing.

  7. I have one (or one similar); My eldest daughter (who loves animals) got it for me. I was sort of horrified by it at first, but she meant well, and I sort of like it now. It's quirky -- like me.

  8. Just saying Boone's Farm causes a headache from the past. God but that stuff was vile.

  9. "God but that stuff was vile."

    Only the first four bottles of the night. After that it's pretty good.

  10. And for the rest of the animal cast ... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0062578627732a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=wine&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1

    Kinda like the moose myself ;-)

  11. Woohoo!

    Road trip to Cabelas this weekend!

    Word verification: loserses (!)

    (Sometimes I wonder if Google Blogger doesn't really have an AI sense of humor installed...)

  12. We just can't have nice things!

    Shootin' Buddy

  13. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll fit my wine-in-a-box in that contraption...

  14. I didn't know Boone's Farm was even on the market any more.

    I don't know how it gets along with ducks, but have you ever seen a drunk raccoon? I have. What you do not want to see, though, is a raccoon with a hangover.

  15. I like the deer one...it has nice look to it

  16. I'd have to set a bottle of something really French and really expensive in there just to mortify the wine snobs.

    "We have the '64 Chateau Latour, sir. Let me go pull it off the mallard."

    Bonus word verification: plops

  17. LOL @ Turk.

    I guess I'm a lot like Dave. Yeah, it's a tasteless mallard drake wine bottle holder.

    But this mallard drake has a band.

    That makes it classy, all by itself. I'd buy it.

  18. I wandered into a Bass Pro Shops the other day with my 12 year old daughter. These were on display in the main aisle. I stopped picked up a duck and the moose, tucked them under my arm and started to walk away when my daughter exclaimed "Dad, you're not going to by THOSE are you?" with a horrified look on her face.

    I turned set them back on the display and said, of course not, lets go buy you some camouflage clothes for you to wear to school instead.

    I don't think she wants to go shopping with me anymore...

  19. That would look even better with a nice 1982 Zeller SchwartzKat (black Cat) or Kellergiester (Cellar Ghost)
    both decent cheap wines, that were about a buck-a-bottle over there back then -- less than Boone's Farm in the Class-6 store.
    Good blended wines easy sipping, great with dark bread and real cheese. And just as good out of a paper bag at concert.

    Now the black bear and a bottle of Blue Nun FTW

  20. They should include sound effects chips so you can hear the mallard quack and hiccup. Sort of like the "Bigmouth Billy Bass" from a few years ago.

  21. Waal, you could put one of those fake bullet-hole stickers on it, to make it an Arkansas duck.

    You do remember Bill, don't you?
    Hit ain't redneck unless a Jaegermeister bottle fits in there.

  22. Pappy said...
    You say Redneck as if it were a bad thing.

    1:21 PM, March 31, 2009

    Ummmm..... errrr.... I's startin' ta think that there is ... in fact... the case....

  23. "You say Redneck as if it were a bad thing."

    No value judgment was implied or intended. :)

  24. If you moved from Atlanta to East Tenn., then to southern Indiana, you're just now learning what "redneck" is all about.

    Like some other "southern issues," it's a mostly northern phenomenon.

  25. I never seen a drunk racoon but i have seen a drunk West African Grey Parrot!

  26. A drunken armadillo is about the funniest thing EVER! They roll...

  27. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll fit my wine-in-a-box in that contraption...

    You take it out of the box and carefully drape the metallic bag over the critter so just it's head pokes out from under the bag. That way it still looks cute - astronaut "space blanket" cute but still cute. Why do I always have to be Dr. Obvious?

    I am just kidding for those obsessive types reading this.

    WV: unders (when you are too shy to say "underware")

  28. A couple of friends of mine just had a fire in their house. They're serious cork dorks, and part of the process of determining what had been damaged was that they came over to our house with three bottles that had been in the wine cooler in their dining room - which was up against the wall to the room the fire was in. They had to drink it, you see, to see if it had survived. So they brought some over to share with my wife (I don't drink). These were the expensive bottles that were like over $100/bottle. They tell me that their insurance agent was relieved that he didn't have to pay for it all...

    But I'm thinking that for a housewarming present when their house gets repaired, I need to get them one of these duck wine holders... yes, I'm a Northern red neck.

  29. "They're serious cork dorks..."

    I had never heard that term before. I LOL'ed.

  30. Hrmm.

    If it'll prop up a Krinkov, we could stick a little sombrero on it...

  31. We used to take dead armadillos by the side of the road and do the same thing with them and nearby empty beer bottles.
    The treasures of living in NE Texas.

    WV: besse
    Like the cow?

  32. Cold Duck, anyone?

    And no rippin' on Boone's Farm...that stuff saved my life, once or twice, heh. Waaay better'n Mad Dog 20/20. Heathens.

  33. I see your wine guzzling fowl and raise you.. The Wine Rack.


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