Thursday, April 02, 2009

At least fleas and ticks don't make fun of dogs.

A battered effigy of a banker in a bowler's hat hung on a traffic light near the Bank of England as protesters waved signs saying: "Resistance is Fertile," and "Make Love not Leverage."

Bankers have been lambasted as being greedy and blamed for the recession that is making jobless ranks soar. Other banners read "Banks are evil" and "Eat the bankers," and "0 percent interest in others."
Seeing as how it was the middle of the business day, any bets on what percentage of the protesters were on the dole? Which meant that the art supplies for their protests and the very food in their tummies had been paid for by...? Anyone? Bueller?

That's right, those icky bankers with their jobs, paying taxes. I'll take "Isn't is ironic?" for $500, Alex.

Pull the wagon, Kulaks! Pull it faster!


  1. Protesters strike me as being far more likely to still be living on Mom and Dad's dime than on welfare.

    Still pathetic, but in an entirely different way.

  2. "Groups of protesters converged on the central bank, with Tibetan, Palestinian, communist, and anarchist flags poking out from the crowd."

    Tibetan flags? Sure, I can see the black flag of anarchy (or jihad), red flag of socialism or the green flag of Islam, but Tibetan flags?

    Did the people with the Tibetan flags think they were doing to a yoga party?

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. I cannot truly voice my thoughts over the situation for fear I'll be branded a psychopath... but I will say that my ideas will likely cause these foul idiots to think twice about assembling in public.

  4. Am I the only one who thinks it would be entertaining to be on the roof with a grease gun full of quick-setting epoxy?

  5. Makes me think of "Government Cheese" by the Rainmakers.

  6. Every time anarchy almost becomes respectable, some gang comes along and ruins it for everybody.

  7. "What an excellent opportunity to test our new, non-lethal area denial apparatus, Chalmers!"

    "Quickly, to the roof, Wilson!"

    Oh what might have been, if only...


  8. Who said anything about nonlethal?

  9. So if you're unemployed, stay home, because you have no right to assembly or demonstration?

  10. No, if you're unemployed, don't spend my tax dollars on flags and crappy signs, and use the bus fare to go to a job interview.

  11. I'm just wondering how long before they trot out the guillotines in squares and marketplaces...

    WV: trophia

    Hmph. atrophia, more like.

  12. SG, I was taking into consideration that it was The Place That Used To Be England, where Bobbies would tweet at fleeing suspects.

    As for me, I'd much prefer to see what either the sub-dermal nerve induction beam or the ultra low frequency sound generator known as the Pooper Ray would have done on an unruly mob. Humiliation is much better on the living- corpses don't care.


    wv=horred: "Dey used da Pooper Ray on us; da smell was horred!"


    As a currently unemployed person (through no fault of my own, the company I worked for closed its doors suddenly and left 450+ people without any benefits, compensation, or back pay), this like of idiocy really hit home. If anyone wants to know the truth about how hard it is to find a job (that pays a reasonable, living wage) right now, respond here and I'll consider elaborating. Otherwise, feel free to return to your normal tin foil beanie crafting convention.

  14. "Which meant that the art supplies for their protests and the very food in their tummies had been paid for by...? Anyone? Bueller?"
    "It is convenient for both sides to pretend that the protestors are embarassing the government but Brown has no desire for them to shut up. If he did, he would stop paying them."

    Not just the dole...

  15. Anon 2:52,

    You want to know something? You could get hit by a bus while walking your doggie tomorrow, and there's only ONE person who can really do ANYTHING about preventing it.

    No one has a sure thing in this world.

    Grow up.

    Living wage.

    Let me guess where your politics fall...

  16. You'd be startled where my politics fall.

    And to expound on unemployment benefits.. they're a time limited benefit. You can't draw on them forever like disability.

  17. Gosh, Anon, what part of England do you not work in?

  18. "You'd be startled where my politics fall.

    And to expound on unemployment benefits.. they're a time limited benefit. You can't draw on them forever like disability."


    Exactly what I thought you'd say.

    Keep telling yourself that same shit, someday, you'll eventually believe it.

    WV:, no, no, that's CLOWNS


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