Friday, April 24, 2009

Be Subversive! B-E Subversive! B-E S-U-B-V-E-R-S-I-V-E!

Sorry, my inner cheerleader got all carried away there. I'm all un-perky-ed now.

Anyhow, dig this awesome tee shirt for sale at Jennifer's place. Do want!

You should go buy one, too.


  1. Makes me think of a variation on that tourist favorite:

    "I was a right wing extremist and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!"

  2. Extreme? Bah, for where? New York City or San Fransico.

    "The Tree of Liberty is looking mighty parched." Now that's extreme!

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Am I the only one that immediately sang that title in my head to the vibe of Faith No More's "Be Aggressive?"

  4. "That's just what they want you to think!"

    "We are they, sir."

    I love it.

  5. "Am I the only one that immediately sang that title in my head to the vibe of Faith No More's "Be Aggressive?""

    I sure hope not. :D

  6. And all across the blogosphere, tongues were bitten as commenters tried not to imagine the well-armed and very dangerous Tam in a cheerleader outfit...

    (And, err, I'm no longer in MA. I relocated to, uh, Guam...)

  7. Bitten tongue, hell. I blogged about the cheerleader outfit, and linked to the post with the swimsuit. :)

  8. Just as long as the gun doesn't come flying out of the ankle holster as you do the jump in the air splits.

    And I picture Tam as the only cheerleader on the squad wearing a baseball cap ...

  9. Give me an "A!" Slowly... and keep your hands where I can see them :P



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