Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Even moar shooty goodness...

With my roomie having a day off, we took the time to go get in some range time at Popguns yesterday. I dragged the K-22 and an ammo can full of .22LR ammunition along, as well as running a box of .357 through my PC627. About two-thirds was fired two-handed, with the remainder split between strong- and weak-hand drills.

I also put just a little over a box of 9mm through the Gun Blog 9 in preparation for bowling pins this weekend at MCF&G. I found an ideal target for practicing pins at the range; it has five oval bulls with gray centers that are roughly the size of the sweet spot on a pin. I was loading five rounds to a magazine and shooting once at each bull, executing a mag change, and repeating. This gave me practice with transitioning from one target to the next as well as work on my reloads. Hopefully I will not suck quite as badly as usual come Saturday.

After shooting, Bobbi and I stopped at O'Malia's, where you can still get your groceries carried to your car by an angry wino, just like the good old days. Then we went to dinner at the Canal Bistro back in Broad Ripple. I heartily recommend the... well, everything I tasted was yummy, but my entree was a seared ahi tuna steak, and it was delish, just like back in K-town at the Kalamata Cafe.


  1. " can still get your groceries carried to your car by an angry wino, just like the good old days."

    Angry wino and S&H Green Stamps?! I'm there!

  2. I just bought a model 38 airwieght, wanted to shoot it ... and no one is selling .38 special in town.

    I see .30 carbine on the shelf at the Big Five only because some elderly biker was returning two boxes of it ... he didn't realize the TRW M-21 he had hid under his bed for two decades needed .308 ... he though the cartridges were stacked in the box the long way ...

    This is in Portland OR ... not some nowhere craphole .... Bloody hell .. I had to order cowboy action ammo over the intertubes just to get reloadable brass.

    Good lord ....


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