Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Since the Obama administration’s talk of banning so-called ‘assault weapons’ has resulted in a huge spike in semi-automatic weapon sales nationwide, the White House has recently begun a covert ‘whisper campaign’ suggesting the president might also ban U.S.-manufactured cars and trucks with fully-automatic transmissions, now dubbed ‘assault vehicles’.
I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.


  1. Heh,

    The GM Suburban is known in Utah as a "Mormon Assault Vehicle"

  2. HOLY CRAP! Now I've got to stock up on gas, anyone know where I can buy 25 cases of 89 Octane? I heard AIM had some but their website says it's OOS. Anyone got some Carry 30 weight? I bought a case of the new Magpul tires for my Truck, I'll sell them for $150 a piece.

  3. Pfft. High capacity assault SUVs have been illegal in MA since the late 1990s...

  4. At least I have a plastic euroweenie car to go with my plastic euroweenie gun.

    If this summer plays out like last, it's going to be expensive to keep both of them in consumables.

  5. Is that the kind of plastic car that's undetectable by airport police radar? Because those are the favoured transport of terrorists. Or would be, if terrorists had ever used them.

  6. Now cleaning my monitor.....
    That *is* teh funny.


  7. I predict a run on Bluebird and Vogt coaches. Prepare for a waiting list on bus charters, too.
    Greyhound/Trailways will be strawmen!

    Grandma is going to have to pass a NICS check in order to get to Choctaw Bingo soon, I predict.


  8. Do I need a form 4 to transfer a sportbike?

  9. That works perfectly. There have of course been lots of essays written along the lines of "if cars were treated like guns".

    They'd have to limit fuel tank capacity to ten gallons of course, so fleeing felons couldn't get too far. Largely outlawing mufflers would be another good one, so felons couldn't get away unheard... -- Lyle

  10. :D

    What's the automatic transmission good for, anyway? Auto weapons, that's clear.. but transmissions?
    I imagine it's great for one handed folk, but apart from that..

    The only person I know of who has a car with an automatic transmission is a pederastic theater director. But he's weird.. if you catch my drift. :)

  11. They can have the Volvo if they get back up after I run them over with it!

  12. no sweat...we've always got the car-show loophole to fall back on.

    unless 20/20 sends in their undercover and former atb (autos, trucks, buses)agent...



  13. They can have my Jeep Cherokee when they pry the leather seat away from my cold, dead butt.


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