Friday, April 24, 2009

Just asking for it...

It's been covered elsewhere better, but I couldn't resist remarking on it myself...

Apparently, in response to a reminder from the Wisconsin AG that open carry is perfectly legal for non-prohibited persons in Cheesehead Land, the pissant martinet in charge of the Milwaukee PD stamped his little jackboot in anger and responded with a snit fit:
“My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we’ll put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it,” Flynn said. “Maybe I’ll end up with a protest of cowboys. In the meantime, I’ve got serious offenders with access to handguns. It’s irresponsible to send a message to them that if they just carry it openly no one can bother them.”
Well that's showing the attorney general who's the top law dog in the Dairy State!

Will the first person who actually gets this clown in a courtroom remember to name him personally in the suit, as well as the department and the officers who did the actual "putting on the ground"? I want him to freeze in the dark.


  1. At least he is being open and honest about being a panty-waisted thug ignorant of the Constitution.


  2. Milwaukee goes on the list of Places In Which Never To Spend Any Money.

  3. anybody up for a little junket up to (bad) beer city? coupla busloads of cowboys and cowgirls oughta keep this twit's "troops" occupied for a while...

    and just might lead to him being dumped for wasting city taxpayer's money, not to mention spitting on the laws he's supposed to uphold.


  4. It should really come as no surprise, as Wisconsin is the Home of American Progressiveism, which both Marx and Mussolini thought was the shiznit.

    WV: dischle. You say "dischle", I say "Daschle"...

  5. Good thing we have the police to interfere with our civil rights. If we did not, we serfs would not know our place.

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. Why doesn't the AG just throw the fucker in the clink, or am I missing something about the pecking order, here?

  7. The local Chief o' Police here has the same attitude. Dead set agin' CCW, he has warned that anyone openly carrying with be "detained and questioned."

    Fortunately, a legislative bill pre-empting local bans on CCW is very near to becoming the law here in Nebraska.

  8. "Troops?" This CIVILIAN bozo of a civil servant thinks he has "TROOPS"?

    I've been a "troop", and your average cop AIN'T that.

    That's a fine example of the militarization of our police forces and reinforces that "them vs. us" mentality, as opposed to 'protect and serve'.

    His carcass needs to be swinging from a lamp post.

  9. If he wants to jail open carry proponents, then they should keep arriving until his jail is full.

    Every gun owner in the state should have the opportunity to sue this assclown.

    ( WV: swinodum )

  10. Field trip? I'm done with school on Monday... No summer classes.

  11. Actually, we should be glad he didn't just tell his (Storm)troopers to "put them on the ground" by shooting them. Of course, to promote "officer safety" they would approach from the rear in groups of three or more. After each "officer" fired 12-19 rounds the "suspect" should have been hit at least twice. Then they could reload and close in for the head shot to make sure the "suspect" is not a continuing threat. At least you know who the enemy is when they are wearing uniforms.

  12. Milwaukee goes on the list of Places In Which Never To Spend Any Money.Milwaukee is actually a nice city and they do brew some good beer up there.

    Yes, progressivism originated in Wis. (hell there is plaque at UW Madison that commemorates Social Security - I always have my dog piss on the sign...)

    Yes, Madison is the "Berklee of the Midwest" (whatever that means...)

    But they, like Illinois, are the FRONT LINE of getting the laws changed!!I get that folks don't want to spend $$ in Milwaukee - but do me a favor:

    Kick the JPFO a 5-spot. They are in Hartford, WI.

    Or kick a few $$ to Wis. Rifle and Pistol Assoc.They're in WI and are trying to bring the fight.

  13. "...guns kill about 450 people in the state each year."

    Wonder how many hospitals, prescribed medication, or doctors kill?

  14. "I've got serious offenders with access to handguns."

    If they've ever been convicted, their right to carry a firearm is no longer operative. And I suspect your officers know a bit aabout who the crims are.

    If I were a cop, I think if I were approaching a known criminal suspected of carrying, I'd rather see his gun before getting too close.

  15. Reading that story made me want to take a road trip with a lawyer and a camera man -- "You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

  16. I smell an insta-megabucks lawsuit win that a nonlawyer could hit out of the park.


    wv = noush as in no s**t

  17. I am trying to wrap my head around the idea of two separate legal systems; one for red land and one for blue land. We have tried something similar once before, it was called Jim Crow.

  18.’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law...

    .... from the FBI's website


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