Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lazy Sunday...

Continuing the "All Linky, No Thinky" theme I seem to be running this morning, here's a detailed dissection of the scandalous 20/20 hit piece on guns the other night.

(H/T to Gun Geek Rants.)


  1. Thanks to all, who took the time to watch, analyze and report on that bit of propaganda.

    My nausea tolerance limits were exceeded within ten minutes. However, I'll be sending this link F&W to the mailing lists and sites.

    smenete -- proper overshoies for Gobbel's media types.

    John, the Red.

  2. Many thanks for the H/T oh Snarky One.

    I just couldn't bring myself to relive the entire episode and pick it apart. Had to find who else sat through it and took the time to fisk it.

  3. Thank you for the link, Tam. Yours is one of the blogs that inspired me to start writing.

  4. NO surprises... sigh... I WOULD like to see that scenario repeated with trained shooters and the "perp" not knowing who had the gun. The Cop didn't even hesitate or look at anyone else.

  5. The 20/20 piece was reinforced two days later on 60 minutes. Their middle section focused on the same key points as 20/20 and went into how guns and ammo have been being bought up like there is no tomorrow.

    Andy Ford


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