Thursday, April 23, 2009

News of the Weird:

Unarmed felon shot at by invisible gun which fires magic bullets that leave no holes.

I smell publicity stunt.

(I like the way ol' Duane's website makes a virtue out of necessity, stating that he doesn't carry "lethal weapons" without mentioning that it would be a federal rap for him to actually, you know, touch a gun.)


  1. My all-time favorite thing that I ever saw on that skeeve's show was when he and his "crew" were going to hook some tiny little Asian dude...who promptly proceeded to wail the crap out of two of Dog's guys. It was one of those life affirming moments...where you watch an overconfident douchebag with super pepper spray gun get his ass beat by a guy half his size.

  2. When this guy's name is mentioned I always think of two specific words: "lame" and "bogus".

    I'm not sure he's even worthy enough to rate "phoney".

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  3. I have accidentally found myself in the same room as a TeeWee that was running his program. I watched in morbid fascination until a commercial break allowed me to tear my eyes away from the trainwreck on-screen.

    I have no particular desire to repeat the experience.

  4. Doesn't sound like a magic gun, sounds like a revolver. When will the world wake up and realize that only a criminal would want a handgun with limited capacity that doesn't throw brass all over the ground.

    Whoa... need to stop that one before someone makes it a talking point.

  5. It's a little known fact that hair-weave and Aqua-Net can outperform Kevlar®. It's likely the slug is still in his mullet somewhere.

  6. All I need to know about DtBH is that my defective college roommate, the one who watched Lifetime movies and Nancy Grace and those True Crime shows, thought he was the cat's pajamas. Talk about a lack of depth.

    She also watched two hours of M*A*S*H* every night without fail. I still get twitchy when I hear the theme song.

  7. So why would it be a federal rap for this guy to be armed? I couldn't find anything saying that he had ever been convicted of a felony. Charged with one, but not convicted.

    Is he a convicted felon, and my weak Google skills have failed me again, or is there some other reason he can't have a firearm?

  8. He was released from prison in 1977. I'm sure he's petitioned the court to restore his constitutional rights.....

  9. Yes, Duane "Dog" Chapman is a convicted felon. It's been common knowledge ever since the show began, and got another boost when he tried his little Mexican stunt.

    His rap sheet shows 18 armed robbery convictions, as well as conspiracy to murder. He was paroled after 18 months in Texas prison for the murder of Jeremy Oliver, circa 1977.

    It's all a matter of public record, really.

  10. The incident was taped? Cool! Finally a DtBH show that I might want to see.

    He has reformed from his bad behavior. Give him credit for that. He also does a job I would not want, and does it well enough to be televised for the entertainment of others.

    His hair style is not to my liking, nor is his manner of dress. However, I'd rather watch him try to talk sense into a meth addict he was bringing back to the jail, than see any number of hopeful runway models being judged on their ability to behave idiotically while looking great, or another expose about bigfoot and UFOs.

    What rule is that about the internet, where there is a website about anything you can imagine? Cable TV is not much different, just more limited.

  11. "His hair style is not to my liking, nor is his manner of dress. However, I'd rather watch him try to talk sense into a meth addict he was bringing back to the jail, than see any number of hopeful runway models being judged on their ability to behave idiotically while looking great, or another expose about bigfoot and UFOs."

    I am given to understand that there are things called "programs" that can be viewed on my DVD monitor. I will have to look into that sometime... ;)

  12. I've never watched the show, so I wouldn't have known from that.

    I also love how quickly Tam reinforced just how weak my Google skills are. It's bad enough that, if my ex-wife saw Google on my screen for more than 5 minutes, she'd just ask what I was looking for. It's amazing how I can pick every combination of words for a search except for the useful combinations.

  13. I cheated. It was a footnoted link at his Wikipedia entry. :o

  14. I was trapped in a breakroom at work once while others were watching that crap. Thankfully I had a book to keep me sane.

    I heard Mike Huckabee say on the radio this afternoon, that this would make for a great reality show. Celeberties getting shot at.

    Hah! I starting to like Mike more 'n more.

  15. DtBH? Not enough beer in the world.

    "'Dog' does not carry lethal weapons."
    No knife?

  16. All the fine details were on the video attached to the news story.

    But then you'd had to look at Dog and Beth, not to mention Larry King.

  17. Joe Allen wins!

    I've watched the show in about the same fashion as you have, Tam. It gives me enormous tired head.

    I love how these people are supposed to be performing undercover stakeouts, in big, recognizable SUVs, wearing motorcycle chic outfits and enormous poofy blond boufants. Righhhht. Not cospicuous, there.


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