Thursday, April 30, 2009


Obama is a card table huckster who has drawn in the media as his crowd of intellectually vain, and null, marks. He gives phoniness a bad name.
And The First Hundred Days went so swimmingly, too!


  1. Swimming, yeah; up the proverbial creek, without paddle OR boat...

  2. Admit it, though...

    if you were ever named as an Ambassador (honorary rank of Brig. General) or some political liason to a military detachment, the very first thing you would ask the Marines is "let's get some trigger time with whatever you got."

    The fact that Obama hasn't done so is prima facie proof of his puddy-tat-ness.

  3. And yet the media is falling all over themselves to pronounce his first 100 days as the greatest success in the history of the known universe...

    Or, more accurately, it's because of this fawning admiration that 0bama hasn't been driven from 1600 Penn Ave by folks with torches and pitchforks.

    Worst. President. Ever. {/comic book guy}

  4. Once again, JayG beats me to it.


  5. I should have listened to John Lott. It's not that Obama has unseated Carter as the worst "D" ever, and I don't think he's an incompetent, or that he's a spectacular tyrant....he's....well, he's just an asshole. I apologize for my lack of imagination, but I can't think of a better characterization. He's like the guy who cuts his brush and "disposes" of it on your property. There's no consideration until there's protest, and then it's a mystery why people are upset.

    I don't actually hate Obama, and I'm not afraid of him. Though I'm now so far past embarrassment that all I do now is shake my head.

  6. "........He gives phoniness a bad name."

    How is this possible? He only trained himself in Chicago as a community organizer?

    Look, in reality he is Al Sharpton with a better suit, handsome demeanor, and the ability to keep his mouth shut when it suits him. The problem is that like Sharpton he is reckless, and quick to blame when circumstances push him to make tough decisions. In his soul he always votes "Present" and it shows.......

  7. I LOVE: Identity politics is the prison of the infantilized. Simply Brill.


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