Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Protecting your money by taking your cash.

"If you’re not mad about the FDIC’s shameful conduct in the banking meltdown it’s because you’re not paying attention." -Les Jones

Let me get this straight: You want to take my money so that you'll have money to give me when the bank that my money is in, which didn't give you any money, goes toes up?

I guess you have to be in banking or Congress for that to make a lick of sense.


  1. Jones is correct, of coure, but when you look at the spendaholics in charge, nowadays, a lousy $100 billion is merely chump change.

    The operating principle of the Beltway Bandits appears to be, "What did an unborn generation ever do for me?"


  2. Yebbut, $100B here and $100B there and pretty soon you're talking about over 1% of the deficit.

  3. Watch carefully, and you'll see Tam put this whole mess in perspective, just like that. Wow. The ship is sinking, sure, but you don't really realize how fast til you read something like that.


  4. The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

  5. Are they going to destroy us in order to save us?


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