Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So let it be written. So let it be done.

The April Blogmeet Date has been decided.

If you are not an equilateral quadrangle, nor participating in Boomershoot '09, you will be there.


  1. Neither condition is true for me (though I may be on the obtuse side) but geography conspires against me.

    Minnesota => Indianapolis? Thanks, but no.


  2. I hope you enjoyed the showing of The Ten Commandments the other day. I can't watch Charlton Heston when he is taking himself seriously. His roll in True Lies worked for me - tongue firmly in cheek. The old SciFi movies are much easier to watch than a Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza. (Though I never get over seeing Yvonne De Carlo in anything but The Munsters.)

  3. How can it be a "boomershoot" when they ban .50USMG at the shoot?

    Apparently Westerners have defined "boomer" down. :-)

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. So, are you going to invite Tom Diaz?


    He can has blog now. And boy is it worth reading.

  5. be there, or be rhombic

  6. Tom Diaz is talking, self-adminstered enema, who thinkiks of the Second Amendment as "being condemned to the violence we deserve." I for one, would not eat at the same table with him.

  7. you will be there.Can you have it in Colorado? That'd make it easier.

    geography conspires against me.I first read that as "geometry conspires against me". That was confusing, but funny.

    I'm rather more poly-elipsoidal.

    Would lurve to make it out for one of these, but alas, I barely trust the decrepit Volvo to get me to Fort Collins.

  8. Oops! I'm headed in the other direction, somewhere more equatorial than equilateral, and tropical too, surrounded by water for thousands of miles.

  9. "Oops! I'm headed in the other direction, somewhere more equatorial than equilateral, and tropical too, surrounded by water for thousands of miles."


  10. Gitmo has great scuba and spearfishing!


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