Monday, April 13, 2009

Through the Looking Glass.

Here, put these glasses on. Now take a look around. Weird, isn't it? That's how it looks to this guy all the time.

(H/T to Mark Alger.)

EDIT: Apparently you don't need to be a fringe-y weirdo on the internet to share that viewpoint; you can be a fringe-y weirdo writing for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.


  1. ...and only four days til the imbeciles get their soapbox!

    How about we have the four days and kick his out from under his feet? Heh.


  2. *save. I guess I shouldn't type first thing in the AM.


  3. So Tamara, are you going to the Indy Tea Party?

  4. "PO’d red meat eatin’ Americans"? Does that mean he's a "PW'd tofu eatin' foreigner?"

  5. So the people who aren't in lockstep with the Administration's plan to spend us into prosperity are now "Teabaggers?"

    'kay. Open yer mouth, d00d.

  6. I would call him a tinfoil hatter, but that would be an insult to people that think that flu shots are a method of mind control everywhere. Besides, I think they hate tinfoil because it isn't environmentally friendly. I'd bet he wears recycled toilet paper turban.

    WV: houro - the mexican equivalent of 60 minuites.

  7. Can we get that five minute fight scene between Tam and the author on pay per view? 'Cause I'd pay $49.95 to hear her say, "I'm giving you a choice: either put on these glasses or start eatin' that trash can."

  8. He says he enjoys, and profits from, conservative blog links to his diatribe.

    I wouldn't give him the satisfaction, truthfully.

  9. Yup, like all "Examiner" posters, he gets a penny per view.

    I figured it was worth throwing a couple virtual quarters in his bucket for the lulz.

  10. Ah, I get it now. Any sort of movements toward a restoration of constitutional supremacy and individual liberty--even a teensy, populist nudge toward lower federal spending--signals the beginning of the Apocalypse.

    I'm none too pleased with the Red Team, but at least they haven't made a way of life out of throwing one big statist tantrum every waking minute of their lives.

  11. The Startlegram.

    Irrelevant since 1857.
    Irritating Panther City for years, and spreading ever since.


  12. What planet is this dude living on? Government regulation was the CAUSE of this crapfest we're in now! The stupid, it hurts...

  13. What must it be like to go through life not even knowing that everything you know is wrong?


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