Friday, April 03, 2009

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

In a comment by "mac" over at The Munchkin Wrangler, we read:
They’re not removing themselves from the gene pool, just their children.
Um... yeah. See...


Aw, I just don't have the heart.


  1. Damn. Yeah. Would you like to have sonic hearing?

  2. Heh.

    Genetic analysis. UR doin it rong.

  3. Random quote from Calvin and Hobbes.

    Calvin:...And I'm so smart, I'm a child progeny!

    Hobbes: Most are.

  4. Was helping my daughter study for a 9th grade Biology test just last night, reviewing some evolutionary principles and Darwin and DNA from her list of topics. I found it interesting that she had absolutely no idea that there was a big controversy just 150 years ago between the ideas of natural selection and theology. For her, understanding the science compliments the awe and mysticism of religion.

    For that comment writer, well, not so much.

  5. Re: vaccines, my aunt (who's a full-on "vaccines caused my nephews' autism" loon, despite being an intelligent, educated woman) sent me a video about one girl whining (and I don't use the term lightly; she really was) about how her life was over because she had a bad reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. I was furious for two reasons:

    a) You don't send that to someone who's already dealt with reproductive cancer, thankyouverymuch; and

    b) I have committed to remaining a virgin until marriage, but I still got the vaccine. Why? Because all it takes is for the man I marry to make one mistake before he meets me, and I'm screwed. Again. No thank you.

    When I called my aunt on these points, she had the nerve to suggest that vaccines themselves may have caused my cancer. I let it go at that point. I'd rather keep the relationship than try to win an unwinnable argument.

  6. At what age did mac flunk "Basic Thought Process 101"?

    What's scary is that mac can vote.


  7. BWAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!! Priceless!!

  8. Charitably, there are ways to remove your children from the gene pool (although, as a linguistic construction, that would be taking you out with them, would it not, except for "second family" practitioners).

    Priesthood in the Mithra cult, or becoming an honest RC seminarian right out of school. Exposure to Paul Ehrlich. Letting them commit a crime punishable by chemical castration. Financing an advanced degree in EE. Child labor at Chernobyl. Trench warfare. Acorn (slow, but effective). Surely there are more.

  9. Anonymous said: Charitably, there are ways to remove your children from the gene pool

    Like an MMO game account. Geek virgin for life ...

  10. The stupid, it burns.


  11. That's some funny shit, there :-D


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