Saturday, May 09, 2009

I could never be a narco-terrorist...

...because I am obviously not anywhere near tacky enough.

The blinged-out AK is the most mind boggling... Imagine putting plush Wilton carpets, hand-stitched leather upholstery, maple burl dash panels, and a flying lady hood ornament on a Toyota Tercel. You'd have a Cadillac Cimmaron is what you'd have.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. The ghost of Liberace goes south with cash. Eekk!

  2. Thing is, if you blinged out a Tercel you'd have a car that runs better than a Cimarron!

    -=[ Grant ]=-

  3. The hood ornament was the coup de crass. *shudder*

    btw - this is a drive-by squeeing. I'm back online. *SQUEEEE!*

  4. Well, you could be stylish and svelte. A drug dealer, yet with sensible black shoes and vintage guns.

  5. Imagine putting plush Wilton carpets, hand-stitched leather upholstery, maple burl dash panels, and a flying lady hood ornament on a Toyota Tercel.

    You'd have half the cars in my neighborhood is what you'd have!

  6. I think Tam secretly wants a golden revolver ;)

  7. Phlegmmie,

    "The hood ornament was the coup de crass."

    I'm not worthy!!! :D

  8. I have a curly maple stock on my flintlock Kentucky Rifle. Does that count?

  9. I might get a TiNed AK at some point, just for the shock value. Besides, we seem to be on the road to becoming a third-world country. It'd help boost my warlord creds...

  10. I was thinking just yesterday on how a Lincoln MK looked just like a mid-range toyota sedan, as I drove past one

  11. Well, considering how the charros and caballeros decorated their horse tack, and how some of their descendants decorate their cars, why not firearms as well? But yes, there is something about way, way too much.

  12. I would go baroque trying to afford one of those!

  13. Are those the guns they claim were bought at Texas gun shows?

  14. Good one, BobG! No self-respecting American gun show would let those in the door, just on the tacky bling factor alone.

  15. Oh, yes, these guns are all OVER Texas. NO self-respecting tabaccy-chawin', Gadsden-flag-wavin', Tea-partyin' Texan would be caught dead without the finest pimp-daddy pistols and rifles in the entire world. And the pimped-out AK-47 is perfectly camouflaged for bird season.

  16. Goodness,

    Did Saddam have a fire sale before left office?

  17. The real question is:

    do gold guns fire silver bullets?

  18. At least we know now what happened to the missing Goldmember gun collection. I always thought Travolta had them stashed on his 747 to use in his next film about impotent skateboarders riding the handrails. Coming soon to a theater near your town .....Brokemember.


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