Monday, May 04, 2009

Notes to Self:

Note to self #1: For an awesome snack, clean and gut a couple of jalapeno peppers, stuff the halves with heaping spoonfuls of feta cheese, toss in the oven at 350ish for twenty minutes or so, and enjoy the yumminess.

Note to self #2: After enjoying feta-stuffed jalapenos, wash hands really, really thoroughly before rubbing itch in corner of eye. Especially while driving.


  1. - Tuna salad also works (in the peppers)

    - Hand sanitizer will loosen up the pepper residue before washing.

  2. #2b Definitely wash hands before going to bathroom (may apply to men only).

  3. Joseph, nope, My sister discovered that you need to wash your hands MUCH more rigorously BEFORE using the bathroom.

    She hinted that there was a solution found to the problem using milk...but honestly I was too grossed out to get any further details.

  4. I've done the the rub eyes after handling Jalapeno's too.

    My condolences.

    I just kneeled on the kitchen floor for a while trying not to rip my eyeballs out.

  5. Dishsoap for your hands, milk products for everything else. The higher the fat content, the better.


  6. "I just kneeled on the kitchen floor for a while trying not to rip my eyeballs out."

    Yeah, me too. Except for "kitchen floor", substitute "westbound lane of 56th street". :o

  7. While driving?? Damn, that couldn't have been fun at all.

  8. I thought I cowgirled up pretty good, all things considered. Thankfully this occurred on a stretch where there wasn't a whole lot of turning or gear-shifting that needed to be done.

  9. OrangeNeckInNY9:56 AM, May 04, 2009

    Back when I used to wear contact lenses, I did exactly that - I chopped jalapenos for dinner before getting ready to take my then-girlfriend out to the movies. As soon as my capsaicin coated finger & contact lens touched my eyeball, I yanked out my contact lens and hollered to my then-girlfriend to grab the milk. I must have washed my eyeball out with a half-gallon of milk, but it worked. Of course, my then-girlfriend was laughing hysterically. Thank God I don't wear corrective lenses anymore ever since I had Lasik done over 7 years ago.

  10. you forgot the bacon. half strip of bacon wrapped around jalapeno after stuffing and before baking.

    Alton Brown wears glasses because he once touched a contact with jalapeno juicy hands. can't wear contacts anymore. Glad you're ok.

  11. I suggest wearing disposable latex gloves when handling peppers. Always.

    My wife grows jalapeƱos, anaheims, and poblanos. Last season, she harvested about 100 pounds of anaheims, all of which we roasted, peeled, and froze, later to become green sauce and such. She buys disposable latex gloves in boxes of 100, and we never suffer the kind of problem you described.

    Go ahead, laugh. The tears of laughter might wash out the pain, but gloves would have prevented it.

  12. I can personally guarantee you that your advice goes double (at least) when working with Scotch Bonnets. I wear gloves now...and I *still* wash like a madman!

  13. I got a pepper seed in my nose one time. Got it right back out, of course, but it still took about 30 minutes for that hot oil to crawl up the right nostril and back down the left.

  14. Wrap in bacon or ham before grilling.

  15. That French garlic cheese spread, Boursin, is AWESOME too!

    Though, Og is prolly right 'bout the bacon!

  16. Go Og! A guy I work with is a former Navy cook and part time Chef/Caterer.

    He does the stuffed jalapeno with bacon wrapping, and fills them with spiral wraps of ham and swiss cheese. He also points out that it works better if the swiss is half frozen before you dump the little darling in the hot oil (He doesn't dry bake them).

    I was going to try making them this week, and probably still will. But after all the commentary about residue on hands, I will be VERY careful not to do the same. Thanks to one and all for the warning.

  17. Good thing you didn't "spank the monkey" with that hand. You'd have been doing a lot more than winking and whining.



  18. Hence, we use baggie covered hands here...

    Try making a boursin/crabmeat with the crumbs from your tortilla chips.

    Grill. Eat. Moan.

  19. In any case, good save.


  20. Having done said incident more than once, you have my sympathy. Best method I've found to eliminate Cap. on ones hands is briefly wash ones hands with rubbing alcohol, before proceeding to regular washing with soap and water. As Capsicum is soluble in alcohol as well as fat(which is why whole milk works, and water doesn't for flushing), it does an excellent job of removing the residue.

  21. Back to the jalapenos, I know someone who uses Cheddar cheese and bacon bits in his. He calls them poppers.

  22. I like em stuffed with cream cheese and those tiny bay shrimp. Latex gloves are manditory.


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