Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Still roping goats.

H-S Precision's media spokesdrone says that their entire Lon Horiuchi fiasco unhappened.

No word yet on their forthcoming line of "John Lee Malvo Signature Edition" AR-15 furniture.

I hope they freeze in the dark.


  1. "Freeze in the dark?" I agree entirely, it was an asshat play from start to present on their part, I'm simply curious as to where you heard that one. It has cultural-icon status here.


  2. Freeze in the dark in pain, and fear.


  3. Jim,

    "I'm simply curious as to where you heard that one. It has cultural-icon status here."

    I believe I first read it in an L. Neil Smith essay...

  4. Sounds like they did vet him, and he fit their criteria just fine.

  5. Tam, this is totally OT, but when I saw it, your name immediately popped into my noggin.

  6. I hope they freeze in the dark.Either that or take a bullet in the back from a high powered rifle.....Sorry I couldn't resist.....

  7. H-S Precision ain't too precise in practicing good public relations, marketing, business ethics, and exercising reason when choosing representatives to send to a high-profile trade show.

    Horiuchi's actions at Waco were also deemed unfathomable. He had swapped out barrels before the Texas Rangers found 14 empty .308 casings some time later at his position during the bonfire. Again, the lack of precision troubles me. If anyone else had fired shots at a crime scene, their weapons would be collected as evidence.

  8. If you have any questions, H-S Precision would be glad to answer them here.

  9. Could there have been a bit of economic downturn at H-S? That might make a major white-haired shareholder a bit grumpy. Besides, what's cooler than having a certifiable FBI sniper with real kills on y'r staff? Hunh? Hun-hunh-hunh-hunh?

    OK, define 'certifiable'. Now, define 'real kills'. Awwwww, now THAT sure takes the lustre off all that used corporate toilet paper, don't it?

    'Freeze in the dark' is too good for that H-S posse.

    'nommi' No, I don't believe a woid o' HS-ganda. Nommi, no sir!

    j,t R


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