Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Whoah, look at the time!

Sorry I'm late, kids. I got all bogged down in the comments section of this post. It is just brim-lippin' full of an amazing cross-section of aberrant humanity: nazis and trotskyites and plain vanilla tin foil beanie wearers, oh my!


  1. Wow... That was simply mind numbing. The scariest part is that those people actually believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are much more qualified to run my life than I am (regardless of the orientation of their political views).

    Then again, being a former Marine, I'm brainwashed and my soul has been purchased by the multinational banking system.

  2. Anything about toilet seats?

  3. Other than the fact that they're reasonably simple devices that any thinking adult can easily configure to suit their needs, and that the lid should be kept down if there are cats loose in the house, no.

  4. Does it mean you're getting old when you see a picture like that and the first thing you look at is the gun, and then check to see if the finger is indexed outside the trigger guard?

  5. "Does it mean you're getting old when you see a picture like that and the first thing you look at is the gun, and then check to see if the finger is indexed outside the trigger guard?"

    No, it means your priorities are f**ked. That's the second. . .er. . .third thing I checked. They ain't real.

  6. Her chest is about as real as her gun handling skills. No thanks...

    As for the rest of the article/comments, well... Mom G. always taught me that if I didn't have anything nice to say...

  7. I did my Radio School in that area at Twentynine Palms. I loved the desert. Some of the surrounding communities, however, are just plain creepy. I will be retiring somewhere in the desert southwest – but certainly not in CA.

    I’m not surprised that the old locals hate the direction their country and state are moving. If they wanted to be good liberals, they wouldn’t live in the middle of nowhere. I’m also not surprised they are taking their dissatisfaction in strange deviant directions.

  8. The original article is very fuzzy and doesn't score very high on the "coherent points" scale, but it seems to have achieved some kind of Zen-Rorschach state of consciousness: everyone seems to be able to read into it whatever brand of brainwash they bring to the table. I agree, Tam: the comments are way more interesting than the article.

    Among Yasha's least coherent thought-jumbles is the racism-gunnuttery connection. So, the recent history of the town includes 1) an unprecedented crime wave, and 2) a big diversity influx. 1) is plenty of reason to stock up on ammo, whether or not 2) and 1) are causally related.

  9. Thanks, Tam. Just checking. ;)

    (Still laughing about the whole thing, and waiting for my Toilet Wars Veterans Benefits...there's a 'GI Bill' joke in here somewhere.)

    WV: 'pantism' I can add nothing to this.

  10. Crap, I just clicked on that at work!

  11. It'll be a sad day for those far left folks and all their fellow travelers when the big .Gov turns on them. For someone with such "Historical expertise" that one guy should already be aware of what happens to the, Useful Idiots in the long run.

    Not a thing you or anyone else can do to change their minds, Tam. To do that would require a huge introspection of themselves and the admission that they really aren't as smart as they think. Aren't as special. Aren't as important and aren't really qualified to run our lives for us.
    Psychologically, that would be like committing suicide. They will go to their graves, or the camps, in a state of shock and disbelief.

  12. "Crap, I just clicked on that at work!"

    Quick! Scroll down!

    Don't worry, page 2 doesn't have the Bimbeaux-w/Kalashnikov photo.

  13. Don't worry, page 2 doesn't have the Bimbeaux-w/Kalashnikov photo.

    Then what's the point? It's not like I wanna read this tripe! LOL! Hell, I have to admit- I probably wouldn't be too into her, she looks as if she has a lot of experience balancing an ashtray on her back, if you get my drift.....

  14. That's what I call a trainwreck. The article, the comment thread, and the photo are all twisted in a way that is hard to look away from. The writer is trying to be thoughtful and fails. The commenters are trying to be rational and fail. The girl probably wanted to be pretty at one time, but became a caricature.

  15. Ow. On every level, Messed Up.

  16. Thank you for today's entertainment. I thought the babe with the gun was Yasha.

    Turn's out I opened mouth, inserted foot. The babe with the gun is just some model.

    Yasha is a man baby!

    The comments were mind boggling and hilarious.



  17. What I don't understand is why this whining, paranoid bigot owns a firearm. Usually the lefties move in almost total intellectual lockstep.

    Who was it who described a consevative as a liberal who'd been mugged? Perhaps what we have here is a future gunnie in embryo.

    But I doubt it, and I'd be uncomfortable around him if he were. Most likely nothing more than a mouthy lefty (but then, I repeat myself) with delusions of adequacy.

  18. Might not have been there when you read it, but a warning about the pic in the sidebar, of a guy fucking a chicken would probably be appreciated by some folks.

  19. Work hell, I just opened it at home. Luckly the wife was out of the room. She has no sense of humor. But I do. Makes me wonder how much tinfoil is sold in Ca. compared to the rest of the U.S.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. And the thing to remember is that bullets aren’t cheap. A box of 25 9mm rounds sells for about $25. More specialized ammo easily sells for $2 a bullet or more.

    Are California ammo prices that crazy?

    Here in the frozen tundra, Blazer brass is still $8.99/50 at Walmart, when I can find it. Winchester White Box is $19.99/100. That's a fifth of the price he quotes.

    Word verification: tinver: The sound (I hope) of reloading component prices toppling


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