Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You keep using that word...

Shootin' Buddy was in town on business and swung by for a late lunch. We went to Locally Grown Gardens, where I'd been itching to try their salmon and asparagus dinner, ever since seeing Old Grouch chowing down on it Sunday.

It was drizzled with a sauce that contained... umm... ginger and... I guess awesome. Seriously, I have been tossing the word "awesomesauce" around with abandon for a while now, but I actually tasted it for the first time today. If I had not been sitting at a picnic table out in front of God and everybody, I would have licked that plate clean until the glaze was off the ceramic. Mmmm-Mm!


  1. some which one stopped you from licking the plate, god or everybody?

  2. I don't public places stop me from licking plates covered with awesome sauce. I might not growl as much though....

  3. I know they sell their bread. I hope they sell the awesome sauce. I'm going to try and make a city trek in the next week or two for food I didn't cook.

  4. ...I do not theeenk it means what you think it means.

  5. "... could like the glaze off of ceramic." is now going to be A Phrase To Use.

    Thanks, Tam!

  6. Tam, this may not be THE awesome sauce, but it is AN awesome sauce for salmon. Highly (Selassi) Recommended.



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