Thursday, June 04, 2009

About this weather...

There is a polar bear on my front porch. He doesn't look very endangered, and he wants to borrow my Wooby. In June.

The TeeWee weather gnome says that we are being shortchanged by some thirteen degrees today. I want to know who has those degrees, and I would like them back.


  1. A polar bear in Broad Ripple? He must be there for the sushi.

    What would one call a seal roll?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Seal Roll: "NewFoundland Clubber"

    The degrees are missing up in New England too Tam

  3. I keep waiting for someone to lecture me about going green so I can tell them a polar bear killed my father.

    wv: dookme. Ew! No!

  4. We're missing a bunch of degrees farther to the west, and I'm not complaining.

    Whoever it is can just keep stealing more of those degrees until about mid-September, as far as I'm concerned.

  5. It's the Globular Worming that's causing this. Even down here in the desert, where May and June usually have highs around 110F or even more, we have rarely been seeing anything above 96F.

    Here, we're balmy in the US dictionary sense of the word. Algore, OTOH, is balmy in the English Lit usage.


  6. Kinda funny, but in West Knoxville last night, a bear tore a woman's door open and chased her. Srsly. I didn't know bears came that far down


  7. Bonus word verification: frothypo


  8. Boo-hoo......Your high today is slated to be 70 degrees. What more do you want? A cabana boy? LOL!

  9. Seattle is melting. You can have them back. We'll even pay shipping.

    wv: beamish Thanks, but where's my vorpal sword?

  10. Is Al Gore visiting your city?

  11. Blame Kanada!!!

    Yes, it is unseasonably warm here on the left coast. Over 30 C yesterday, I had to spend most of the day dressed only in shorts.

    A little cooler today, only 28 C, that's 82 F.

  12. Dunno what you're talkin about, Alaska borrowed those degrees a few weeks ago, but we TOTALLY gave em back. Really.

  13. Its been averaging 10F over normal out here in the mojave desert. I'd gladly give ou those 10 degrees if I could.

  14. Seattle is melting. You can have them back. We'll even pay shipping.
    Ditto. 90s today with thundershowers. If I liked this weather I'd've stayed in the midwest.

    WV: enellog. I used to have a suibscription, then I strated reading long fiction...

  15. JHardin: Here ya go. Don't roll a one or you'll cut off yer own head with it.

  16. Wooby. Gad, that bring back memories. (Yes, I failed to read the original "wooby" post in time.) I wonder what the origin of that word is? My ex-wife, 'way back when she was my wife, used to declare certain Saturdays "wooby-shirt days" and I'd never heard the expression before she first used it. A lovely tradition.

    Enjoy. I can lend you some degrees if you're really running short. I've still got some from the Y2K stock, and I'm getting nervous about the expiration dates on the cartons.

  17. Ask Al Gore, I'm thinking.

    wv: durizat. "Dur, izat so?"

  18. It's kind of warm down here in Florida today. We must have your 13 degrees. I'll see that 13 and raise you another 13. Maybe we can get some cool weather down here for a change.


  19. Kind of cool here in Finland too. Day time between 10 and 15 C (the first celsius to fahrenheit converter google dug up claims that to be between 50 and 59 F). Night temperatures are dropping awfully close to the freezing point of water. I wouldn't mind some global warming right now, but looks like we are, at least for now, back to normal. The old snark is that the Finnish summer is short and light on snow.

    Oh hell, there have been times when I have gone swimming near 0 C temperatures (that makes sure you really do swim. As fast and as hard as you can).


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