Monday, June 22, 2009

If you are vacationing in the Smokies... warned that there is a four picanic basket alert that has caused part of the park to be closed.

Be on the lookout for these suspicious characters.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. What? Come on I wanna try out my new .44 magnum loads!

  2. Did you see the report from Cleveland's Channel 8?

    They're trying to be serious.

  3. I hear the situation is being dealt with:

  4. Hokey smokes! Look at the Cleveland video.

    I take the bear denial/doubt all back (bear stories are related by drunkards to non-natives to make the drunks seem less like feckless slothful drunkards all at the government trough, but "rugged"), there are drunks east of the Mississippi too and apparently they work in television news.

    Dregan, I thank you. Have not laughed that hard in a while.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Dregan, you just caused a laugh riot in this coffee house. I've already played it three times for the regulars. Thanks.

  6. I'll take bears any day over these :,2933,527024,00.html

    I love the quote :

    "Why didn't the kitty play nice?"

  7. WHy is that the amateur campers & pic-a-nic-ers can find the bears (or is that the bears find them?), but the professional park rangers can't? Maybe the park rangers should start carrying pic-a-nic baskets around.

    Other then that, unless the bears pose a VERY SERIOUS mortal danger, keep the campers out of the area for awhile. When the bears find that there's no one to play with (and mooch food from), they'll go elsewhere. Maybe.

    B Woodman

  8. "Dam' civilians wanna bring guns into my park? Well, I'll just CLOSE my park!"

  9. "WHy is that the amateur campers & pic-a-nic-ers can find the bears (or is that the bears find them?), but the professional park rangers can't?"

    I am certain alcohol, or as they would say down there Mr. John Barleycorn, has a lot to do with that.

    Through the bottom of a whiskey bottle a stray dog looks like a bear.

    Shootin' Buddy

  10. Yup, 8-year-old Evan was probably knocking back a few tequila fannybangers when he "imagined" those eight staples right into his noggin...

    And Glenda Bradley was no doubt killed and eaten by a stray dog...

    Knoxville needs to stop letting their cops drink on duty...


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