Sunday, June 14, 2009

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

Somewhere, a hippie just vapor-locked.


  1. Kewl!

    Despite a wide range of skill levels, they appear to have a good handle on safety -- which is nice to see in a video.

    Captcha: "makerga" How do it know?

  2. Can I get a "Hell yeah!"? That is the best thing I've seen and heard in ages.

    Thanks Tam.

    Damn these guys are my homeboys and I didn't even know about them. I've been in Florida too long.


  3. Now that there is what I call music.
    Thanks, it's the first new CD I've bought in, well, I can't remember...


  4. There's just something about the thought of a vapor-locked hippie that brings a smile to my face.

    Nice way to start the day, Tam.

  5. It's Molon Labe set to music! Nice:)


  6. I recycle. I'm not a hippie. I carry a gun.

    Defy convention!

    Actually in my case, recycling is a no-brainer. 90% of my garbage is empty plastic water bottles, they don't need rinsing, they don't rot, so I chuck 'em in a plastic bin and every 3-4 weeks I go 5 minutes down the road and throw 'em in a bin, NQA. Same with cardboard. And as a result, when I get home ragged thursday night, all I've got to do is pull the one 3/4 full garbage bag out of the kitchen and roll it to the curb. Hell, even if I miss a week all I've got to do is pack it down and wait till thursday, then be careful to not rip the bag getting it out of the can.

  7. Gotta' go with Roberta on the skill level thing. Really folks, every CMP affilliated gun club is desperate for new shooters.

    Go there and learn how to do it the right way and the lefties will have less to laugh at.

    Still, thanks again Ma'am, I downloaded it from YouTube and sent it along to everybody I knew this side of the great political divide. And one on the other side, just to tick him off.


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