Monday, June 29, 2009

More humor from the BBC...

A Chinese firm's bid to buy the gas-guzzling Hummer car brand will be blocked on environmental grounds, according to Chinese state radio...

...China National Radio said Hummer is at odds with the country's planning agency's attempts to decrease pollution from Chinese manufacturers.
Did you hear about China's bold new environmental program? They're calling for a 30% reduction in PCB's in baby formula by 2011.

(H/T to SurvivalBlog.)


  1. Well, if you're China and you don't want to allow something, any ol' excuse will do.

  2. Ouch! That snark was especially sharp!

  3. Tam,
    You made me laugh out loud!!
    Great wit.

  4. I'm thinkin' the Chinee are being coy, trying to work a better price.
    "Ah, gee, I really like it, but the wife says we can't spend that much."

  5. Shouldn't Andre Casson be in the genitive case? In Russian, that would be Andrea Cassona, I guess in Latin it might be Andreum Cassonum?

    Delenda est would be a great name for a band

  6. I didn't nearly blow coke on the monitor on account of the PCB bit, but that is only because I had finished it by that time. Heh. I'd be curious to get a reliable answer on how much of the world's pollution comes from China and India.


  7. Ha ha.

    Jim, in answer to your question: Loads.

  8. Joanna, the proper terminology is "shitloads."

    Okay, so I know I'm going to sound crochety here, but I'd sooner see Hummer go bust than be bought by the Chinese.

  9. Steve: I guess that brings new meaning to "shit a BRIC".

  10. Actually, it's the melamine and cyanuric acid in the baby food.

    PCBs just get dumped by the truckload into the Yangtze...

  11. Drop in the bucket isn't really a very appropriate analogy, here, unless the bucket were to be...well, bigger than any bucket I've ever seen.


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