Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Peace On Earth...Purity Of Essence...

"I don't avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence." -Gen. Jack D. Ripper
So, yeah, about the codger who lost contact with Mission Control at the Holocaust Museum today... Have you read his manifesto? Yowza.

Just because you think they're all always after your Lucky Charms doesn't mean you can go start shooting at the voices. (But if you just have to start shooting at the voices, shoot at the one in your head first, please. Preferably out in the woods, or someplace with linoleum or tile floors.)


  1. Rewrite's already up.

    What I can't understand is why our Masters think it's good when someone has a pistol to stop a killer at the NHM, but bad if it is all set up to happen at Dick Heller's house?

  2. Man, where are they finding these people, and how much are they paying them to set up for the next gun ban?

  3. If he needs to keep his screws tightened a little tighter, I could scare up some loctite or some lockwire or something...

    Crazy isn't a skin colour or a race, its a problem which can often be treated, most of the time without killing the patient.

    In any case, I agree with you on the lino thing.


  4. Did they mention anyplace if he was an ex-officer or something? I thought only police could have loaded weapons in DC.

    You are NOT telling me he was some whacko who didn't obey the law.... are you? You mean gun control laws don't stop whackos??

  5. What kills me is the "conservative" label that's getting attached to this guy...

    Seriously, guys, froot loop front and centre, and any political stripes he's got seems to tend more to the lefty-nazi side of the fence.

  6. I'm with Nonny Mouse at 9:07 ... it really burns my toast that the coverage is starting to go the "OMG crazy conservative" route. Given the Rev. Wright comments outed earlier today, it's enough to make me actually believe in conspiracies. Questioning the timing, and all that.

  7. I scroll down randomly and find this gem:

    "Compound Interest: nothing more surely typifies JEW-ISHNESS than compound interest."

    I'm pretty sure this was a seinfeld bit. gold jerry gold.

    ps. your captcha is racist, it called me a babun

  8. Someone is calling the guy conservative??? Sorry, mad-dog hateful and crazy has no political leanings. He's just nuts, and yeah, an 88 year old, vet or no, that thinks this way is nuts. By his age you are supposed to have a little wisdom...

  9. Read a few pages, then decided I had better things to do. Fruity nut or nutty fruit? Does it matter?

  10. The thing that really chaps my hide is the fact that,l by 1330 hours PDT, when I shut off the TeeBee in the break room in order to conduct an in brief for my crew, the Commie News Network had already spent more time going over every detail of this shooting in loving detail than the have in a week or more over the murder of an on-duty, in uniform Army recruiter by an admitted Islamic extremist. I said as much, and got a room full of deer staring into headlights: "Wha? When did that happen?"

    It was disgusting: There "just happened to be" two Commie News Network staffers on the scene, and they were going over a play-by-play like an episode of CSI: DC.

  11. Word captha: "torkles". Which clearly means that they're after me.

    Also, I need to say something: the "left" is not paying people to commit crimes so they can pass a new AWB. The real world is not a Grisham novel.

    The left certainly is heaping press on these people to push for a ban, but seriously, the next person that spouts off about a hell I just don't have the energy for this.

  12. I'd love to know whether he stayed in contact with anyone he met in federal stir after he got out of federal stir.

  13. "Also, I need to say something: the "left" is not paying people to commit crimes so they can pass a new AWB. The real world is not a Grisham novel."


    Also, this was committed by a convicted felon in a gun-free zone with metal detectors, with (from what I gather) a .22 rifle, and he appeared to have his eyes on a spree killing, which was stopped short by good men with handguns.

    Honestly if the Anti-freedom Pro-Ignorance klowns try to press more gun restrictions because of this our side should be able to quickly point out how many failures of gun control this represents, and how it shows that good people with guns is somthing we should all want around.

    Unless our side drops the ball, or is somehow muted, this should be a huge gain for public sentiment on the failures of gun control laws.

  14. "...the Commie News Network had already spent more time going over every detail of this shooting in loving detail than they have in a week or more over the murder of an on-duty, in uniform Army recruiter by an admitted Islamic extremist."

    Yep. No agenda journalism there!

  15. Not tile - that stuff's hard to get out of the frout work.

  16. The old guy hated Jews, blacks, Christians (their boss being a Jew and all, as well as all the old tropes), and pretty much anyone who wasn't white like him.

    Yeah, real conservative there.

  17. Hmm... 88 is supposed to be a magical Hitler number of some sort. Maybe he reasoned that since he turned 88, he must've been "blessed".

    wv: irphuke (?)

  18. Anon: 88 = HH. Pretty simple magic there.

    Tam: Drop cloths. nazi-puke needs to cover the walls as well. And leave a note on the door to call the coroner.

    ... Actually, just eating an entire large bottle of Tylenol would be simpler ... death by liver failure in about a week is automatic. A bit painful, though.

  19. "if you just have to start shooting at the voices, shoot at the one in your head first, please."

    Thanks for my new sigline!


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