Thursday, June 25, 2009

Proof that they Just. Don't. Get. It.

So the Iranian government is in fully hissy-fit mode right now, kicking out British diplomats, wagging fingers at Barry O., and threatening to hold its breath until it turns blue because it swears that the UK and USA are somehow "interfering" in its election processes.

Hey, Zippy, let me clue you in on something: We aren't "interfering" with anything. We haven't so much as lifted a finger. If we were actually interfering, you'd know it; ask your former next-door neighbor how our interference works.

Unless by "interfering" you mean not censoring our press? Not suppressing all mention about your thuggery and your politics so dirty that they make our own city of Chicago look a model of probity? Is that what you mean by "interfering"? Because if that's the case, you are just proving that you really have almost as little clue how things work in the wider world as your buddy in North Korea, and at least he can claim being nut-fudge insane as an excuse.


  1. "If we were actually interfering, you'd know it; ask your former next-door neighbor how our interference works."
    You would think they'd have an idea on how that works by now. Must be slow learners...

  2. Lots of peeps around the world can't fathom that we don't have a .gov press release forming the basis of every story. They tend to believe all media is really a thinly disguised instrument of official policy. Just like their country.

  3. Y'all have your heads in the sand if you think we weren't there before the election trying to stir up Contras against ol' Ach.

    Are you waiting for confirmation to appear in the NY Times?

  4. Whoever said the Ayatollahs were sane? I'd put them into the same catagory as ol' Kim Il.

  5. Tamara, you have a wonderful way with words!

  6. "Are you waiting for confirmation to appear in the NY Times?"

    Of course I am! It's the Paper of Making Up The Record, dude.

    My money is on Jack Ruby shooting that Neda chick at the behest of Obama's CIA cronies.

  7. they do 'get it'. But america, satan, britain or something is always responsible for iran being a shithole.

    If it weren't, someone might blame the .gov.


  8. Really, we should claim credit for this and agree with their idiot president. Yeah, we are responsible for tens of thousands of your people taking to the streets. Yeah, Iranian scene control is so awesome that we can sit back across the globe and screw with them. What Morons. What Barry should do is call loudly for the protestors to stay home. Then when they flock to the streets he appears shocked on TV and admits that he's lost control in Iran

  9. Ahhh, what a wonderful blog I have stumbled upon. I shall have to add you to my short list of places to visit everyday.

    And Tam, you seem like a very nice young lady, you will be happy to know that my 8 year old daughter has her own BB gun, until next year I think, then it might just grow a little bit.


  10. Humph!

    Yes. By all means - let's take credit for our apalling examples of freedom, communication, only-slightly-motivated press, blue jeans, rock music, booze, and arguments where at the end of it both people are still actually alive and religious differences which don't result in bloodshed, and indeed the pretend bloodshed of first-person shooters.

    If swanning about doing well, living free, having fun, swiggin' booze and shooting the breeze is "interfering", then there's something wrong with their Funk and Wagnalls.

  11. "Lots of peeps around the world can't fathom that we don't have a .gov press release forming the basis of every story. They tend to believe all media is really a thinly disguised instrument of official policy. Just like their country."

    Funny, that's basically my opinion of the North American MSM in a nutshell these days.

  12. "They tend to believe all media is really a thinly disguised instrument of official policy."

    If anything, that's exactly backwards of how it is here. After all, Barry O. didn't get Chris Matthews his job.

  13. Remember that despotic regimes and strongman tinpot dictators control (or used to!) what their people hear and see of the outside world, and that they can never destroy all their enemies. They need their enemies too much to dispose of all of them. All .govs issue statements that are tailored to various specific "markets", either for internal manipulation or as messages to outside powers. In micorcosm: Ritchie points out window, says "Look, Russian paratroopers!" Allan looks, Ritchie swipes Allan's fries.

  14. "Mullie, ol' pal, if we were interfering there'd have been some big, mysterious explosions at military and Revolutionary Guard stations. Or maybe some- ok, a lot- of the protesters would turn up with AK47 rifles and a bunch of ammo. THAT would be us interfering."

  15. "After all, Barry O. didn't get Chris Matthews his job."

    What job is that, giving rimjobs to The Man?

  16. What Barry should do is call loudly for the protestors to stay home. Then when they flock to the streets he appears shocked on TV and admits that he's lost control in Iran.



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