Thursday, June 25, 2009

Real life is often stranger than fiction...

...especially when Dick Nixon was involved.

There's a story just out from the Nixon tapes that has President Tricky Dick telling RNC chairman George Bush the Elder that the best hope for the future of the GOP was to recruit hot-looking women.

The timing of the conversation is suspicious, since at that very moment the Secretary of State was in Beijing, being offered ten million women by Chairman Mao.


  1. This does not explain Nanci Pelosi, who might be a suitable mate for Darth Vader.

  2. What I found ironic was the godless Communist Chairman Mao said God had sent him an invitation as he coughed badly and three years before he died.

    After reading this little excerpt will the Looney Left call him a 'sexist'?

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  3. I think Mao was pretty much crazy as a bedbug by '73; I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must have been for Kissinger to have to sit and listen to that without squirming in his seat or running from the room laughing.

  4. Ironically, we did get the 10 million Chinese women in the form of adopted girls. I would hate to be a 20 year-old Chinese man trying to find a girlfriend.

  5. One of my young co-workers is a 20ish chinese lady and boy are we glad to have her. Hard worker, well educated and very diligent. My only critique is that it is hard to teach her to be creative and independent.

    Frankly, 10 million of them back in the 70's might not have been a bad trade. It probably would have kept us from being over run along the southern border looking for work because they would have taken the jobs.

  6. A slight historical correction: in February 1973 Kissinger was the national security adviser. He didn't become Secretary of State until September 22, 1973.


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