Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What I don't get... if you're already using corked bats, why would you need the 'roids?

At least I know that my favorite baseball player, Greg Maddux, wasn't using steroids. Or if he was, he should have asked for a refund.


  1. If Chipper Jones turns out to have juiced my cousin will be pretty crushed. For me it's Cal Ripkin

  2. Who needs 'roids when they'll give you the strike six inches off the outside corner? ;-)

    WV: grothz; sometimez you getz themz with roidz

  3. Just like the NBA, it's not a game anymore -- it's just entertainment.

    wv: antett. What the aardvark done.

  4. My favorite player was Rod Carew. I think my memories are safe.

  5. This is all great and all, but we don't have storm troopers all dressed in black breaking down our doors in the middle of the night taking people away and disappearing them. The towel-heads are running scared now. The storm troopers are speaking Arabic not Farsi. Who and from where are they? I suspect they are planing a large massacre much like Tianamen Square in China.

  6. Anon. 12:23,

    Take your meds, dude.

  7. Anon 12:23

    Whoa. Now that's random.

    Programmer: I think your bot is misfiring.

  8. Disclaimer: I don't think Greg Maddux ever juiced. He was just that good a pitcher.

    Having said that, lots of players take steroids without ever showing the outwardly-obvious physical changes like Barry Bonds had. Many older players will take steroids in order to heal faster from injuries like they did when they were younger, and not necessarily to bulk up or increase strength.

    However, in Sosa's case (and McGwire's, too), his ability to hit for power came largely from strength, not from technique. Sammy was doing whatever Sammy could to increase his performance.

  9. So, this "baseball" thing, it's like cricket, then? And there's juice?

  10. Steroids won't actually increase strength- by themselves. They'll give you bigger, more bulky muscles, but given the half-neurological nature of strength, that doesn't actually make the taker strong. This is why steroids are basically necessary for bodybuilders but are much less likely to be found among, say, Olympic weightlifters.

    However, like Greg said, what they DO do and what athletes really value them for is allow much faster recovery, both from the normal strains of training/working out and from injury. Just being able to be IN enough games to win a home run competition would be motivation enough.

    Word verification: "feced"- what the image of professional baseball currently is.

  11. Cricket has a "tea interval".
    Baseball has a "juice interval".

  12. " if you're already using corked bats, why would you need the 'roids?"

    I don't know, it's kind of like CDP shooters in IDPA showing up with full sized 1911's and then downloading their .45acp ammo to .380acp loads.

  13. Greg Maddux used an advanced targeting laser in his glasses to guide specially modified baseballs to the exact location he wanted them to go.

    You've read it on the Internet, so it must be true. Or conspiracy.


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